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SUPER: Reincarnation can be great. You can start anew. All the memories wiped clean. Until you wake up and all the forgotten memories slam you. In the beginning, I went by the name Sannaro. That was only half of the problem.






Sannaro threw his hands in front of his face to shield himself from another splash from the bathtub he sat beside.


Got you, daddy!

Ambrika giggled as she slipped deeper into the water.


Sannaro lunged forward and grabbed her left arm before her head submerged.


His soaked shoulder length blue-black hair flopped into his face and took the full brunt of another splash from her tiny gleaming pink feet. He sat her up again and then quickly brushed his hair behind his ears. Once she was safely upright, Sannaro shrugged his shirt off and hung it on the towel rack.


Andoku poked his head through the opening doors.



Dad, can I have a snack? Fausa, what a flood!

He shifted a foot back to avoid wetting his soft tan boots.


As soon as your mother's home, we're going to have dinner. I'm going to start cooking once Ambri's dressed.

Sannaro picked up Ambrika, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her.


Andoku was about to protest when the computer chirped that a call was incoming.


Sannaro settled the towel-swathed child on his left hip and rushed to the computer.





Oh, nice view, San! Bathing the little one? Ki'iwa, Ambri.



Ki'iwa'alani, Lazha.

Ambrika hugged her little arms around Sannaro's upper arm.


Sannaro felt her tiny fingers tickle his ribs as she tried to stretch her arms to entwine her fingers together.


What do you need, Lazha?



As you know, we're pulling into Arcturus tomorrow.



Do you have any problems with the flight schedule?



Nui, no problems with the flight schedule, but I'm worried about something. I have a meeting to negotiate price for a shipment we're taking on tomorrow, but I just can't shake a bad feeling about the deal. Would you come with me to back me up if there's trouble?



For a non-telepath, I trust your feelings. Sure I'll come.



Fa'arata; I'll see you tomorrow at 0630.



I'll be there.

Sannaro cut the line.




Ku'an was grumbling to himself as he stepped into his apartment. As usual, the inept junior fuel handler under his charge showed why he didn't have a red sash yet. Ku'an had inspected the tank that was in his care and found it corroded. He made the boy clean out that tank and two others for his punishment.


Ku'an walked toward the kitchen, expecting to smell burned leather waft from his leather-crafting wife, but snorted and shook his head when he found the kitchen empty.


Fausa, Ba'ia, can't you quit burning cow hide in time to come home and make my meal?


As he was about to reach into the refrigerator for a drink of water, the computer chimed.


Ku'an slammed the door and stomped to the computer.


What is it?



Lazha, Ku'an.



Ba'ia's not home yet.



That's fine, I called for you. I'm worried about the deal I'm closing tomorrow. The cargo has explosive properties and I'm concerned they'll try to ship it in substandard containers. Would you go with me to inspect the containers to ensure their safety?



I'm not letting improperly contained chemicals on this ship.



Good, I'll see you tomorrow at the shuttle at 0630.



I'll be there.

The apartment door swept open to allow Ba'ia entry.


Kohura, Ku'an.

The screen darkened.


Ba'ia strode to the kitchen.


Sorry I'm late; I had to finish a job that had to be completed before morning. So, what did Lazha want?



She wants me to go on the landing tomorrow to inspect some cargo crates.



Really? I guess tact must not be required for this mission!



Very funny. I'll be in the living room if you need me.


Ba'ia took pans out and set them on the stove.




Sannaro was in a pleasant dream where he and Cherna romped through a green field.


Cherna’s blue eyes sparkled with mischief as she pulled him toward a small lake with wavelets lovingly caressing the yellow sands of the beach.


A warm breeze blew his dark hair across his face.


As they reached the shore, he was suddenly on his back with her astride him. He felt the pressure of her legs that hugged his waist then felt warm lips lock onto his.




He opened his eyes and he was back in his darkened bedroom on the Kumani. The only thing similar to his dream was that Cherna was actually sitting astride his waist and she was bent over him. Her shoulder length blond hair with the tips curled under hung around her face. She was still wearing her simple light green nightgown.


Wake up, silly, it’s time to get up.



I had such a wonderful dream.



I know. I was watching it through our telepathic link. We should go back to that dream sometime when we don’t have busy schedules.

Sannaro sat up and looked at the clock. He sighed when it showed 0500.


Oh, the Arcturus landing! Good, I’m not late.

He bounced his knees to encourage Cherna to climb off him.


She caressed his naked chest and stomach.


It’s such a shame you have to get dressed.



Hey, you keep that up and I will be late!

Sannaro reluctantly pulled her hands away then sprang them both into the air.


They landed quietly on their feet beside the bed.


He snatched a pair of shorts and pulled them on before she could close in on him again.


Oh, did you have to?




Sannaro chuckled as he walked out of their bedroom and went into the bathroom.


He studied his face in the mirror. He was dismayed that his dark eyes were a little bloodshot and his yellow-gold eyelids were a little green. He must not have slept as well as he thought he had.


He picked up a few strands of hair and pulled it down beyond his shoulder blade. His hair was too long again. He picked up the hair sheers he kept in the bathroom, bunched his hair together and slashed it off, then watched his hair grow rapidly back to brush the base of his shoulders before he threw the wad of hair into the trashcan beside the sink.


Andu, Ambri, let’s get up now.

He slipped out of the bathroom just as Andoku was entering the living room.


Sannaro went back into his bedroom. He dressed into his black pants and a sapphire blue sweatshirt then pulled on his hard landing boots before he joined the family in the kitchen.


Cherna set breakfast onto the table.


Ooh, I love that color on you.






But sometimes I’d like to see you wear different pants.



I like this color and style.

She chuckled before she kissed Sannaro’s cheek and then went into the bedroom.


When he was almost finished with his breakfast, she was out again dressed in a black and white flight-suit.


He picked up his plate and set it into the sink.


You really didn’t have to bother with cooking breakfast, Cheri.




Don’t be silly. You cooked dinner last night. Besides, you needed a good breakfast to have your strength up for this landing.



You spoil me, woman!



I’ll ask for payback later!

He growled playfully then kissed her mouth.


She slipped her finger up and down the top point on his ear then traced the edges of the major point down to the point at his earlobe.


Sannaro shuddered and arched his neck. His body shivered from the electrical charge her touch and the closeness of her mind that scintillated his ear.


Andoku groaned.


Here they go again and they tell us not to act like children, Ambri?

Ambrika covered her giggling mouth with a small hand.


Cherna cocked her head and grinned.


That’s not child’s play. It’s definitely adult!

Sannaro rolled his eyes and chuckled as he walked out of the kitchen.


See you up on the Flight Deck.



Have a good landing. Children, finish preparing for school.

He strode down to the elevator, entered and called for it to go to the Upper Flight Deck.


When the elevator opened again, Sannaro looked on proudly as he watched the preparation crew buzz around the red and white shuttle he was going to fly for Lazha.


Metei, the senior flight engineer, strode around to check various systems. When he found something he didn’t like, he called for a junior engineer to correct the problem.


The fuel specialists snaked their hose from the refuel and rearm pylons in the center of the vast fight bay to the shuttle at the front space to top off the tanks for flight.


He was pleased that the flight plan he designed yesterday was working flawlessly.


Soon, Lazha would exit the elevator and board the shuttle then he'd be calling for the shuttles to be launched for the short flight to Arcturus.


He walked through the refuel/rearm pylons to the shuttle. He stopped when he felt the nerve of his ears itch as his telepathy warned him that someone was approaching from behind. He turned around in time for his Assistant Team-leader to nearly collide with him. Sannaro stopped the blonde haired woman with one hand on her shoulder.


Don’t bowl me over, Tisa! I knew you were there. What do you need before I go?



Just need your signature for this report.

Tisa handed the electronic data pad over to him.


Sannaro visually scanned its contents quickly and realized it was a routine request form for fighter-ship parts. He scrawled his name at the bottom and handed it back to her.


When he felt hot animosity burn his sixth sense, Sannaro jerked his head up.


Lazha had just exited the elevator with Ku'an closely behind her.


Sannaro locked his eyes with his father-in-law’s cold green eyes. He rushed over to Lazha and blocked her way to the shuttle.


What's he doing here?



Step aside, we have a mission to do, boy!



He’s not going with us, is he?



I asked Ku'an to inspect the cargo containers, Sannaro.

Ku'an stabbed his finger at Sannaro’s nose.


I’m not going if the alien's going.

Sannaro pushed Ku'an’s arm away.


Well, I’m not looking forward to you going, either!



Enough. I asked both of you to come on this mission because I need you, Sannaro, for your warrior skills and I need you, Ku'an, for your expertise to inspect the cargo containers for safety violations. Neither of you have the option to back out of this mission unless you want to face me in combat on the practice mat for a reminder of what happens when you deny your Ships’ Commander.

Sannaro cringed the same time as Ku'an stepped back one step.


I apologize, Lazha.



I forgot my place, Lazha.



You’re both forgiven.

Lazha stepped around Sannaro and strode to the shuttle.


Ku'an gave Sannaro a savage look before he followed Lazha.


Sannaro followed several strides back to make sure he was the last on the shuttle.


He walked up the ramp of the shuttle, took his seat at the pilot’s console and put his headset on.


Lazha was in the copilot’s seat doing a pre-flight check.


Sannaro knew Lazha cherished these rare chances to fly since she'd been taken from a fighter-plane and given the Commander’s sash after Belso’s death.


During sleep cycle when Sannaro was working late, he'd sometimes find Lazha inside a flight simulator with a fighter exercise running.


He understood how she could miss flying Vizha'i. There was no other exhilaration he knew that came close to flying full throttle with a pirate hot on your cross-hairs- well, except when Cherna and he were making love with their minds merged, sharing their sensations as one.


I wish I was a telepath right now, San. I’d love to find out what you’re thinking about that’s turning your skin so bright orange!



Oh! I was just thinking about a dream.



What a dream!



Oh, knock it off, you two! Are we going or not?



Fire her up, San.



Shuttle one, ready for launch.



Houk, shuttle one, pulling to lift.



Houk, Flight Control.

He watched as the shuttle was pulled backwards by the pulley system below the deck onto the huge rectangular lift.


It rose off the floor then clanged as the lift was locked into the floor of the aft takeoff and landing platform.


Sannaro turned on the engines and allowed them to warm up for a few minutes before he hovered the shuttle off the floor and flew it into space. He turned the shuttle around above the Kumani’s four huge engines then angled the shuttle toward the planet slightly below the Kumani’s orbit.


San, the other pilots have their missions, so you don’t have to worry about what they’re doing. You’re completely mine for this mission.



Watch out, Cherna may become jealous!

He felt the ship buck as it sliced through Arcturus’ atmosphere.


Astrisi shuttle one to Arcturus Flight Control, requesting permission to land.



Roger, Astrisi shuttle one, you have permission to land at vector 558940.3. Wind is 3 knots to south southwest, over.



They put us out on the far landing sight, again!



That means a five minute boring tram ride in a car without seats.



I'd rather call a taxi and go straight to the warehouse if the Space Port allowed a local exit.



We could always jump out the emergency exits!




Then the port officials would lock down the shuttle until we paid a fine. Nice plan, San! No taxi goes out there, anyway.



Could you two act like you’re older than ten years old? Last I checked you both were parents of children.



Wow, you’ve finally realized you have two grandchildren from me, Ku'an?



Don’t press your luck, alien.



You should try to relax some time, Ku'an.



Laxness causes mistakes.



And to believe he’s Cherna’s father.



You’re who corrupted her!



That’s enough. The two of you aren't going to get into another fight.

A short time later, Sannaro settled the shuttle on the Space Port tarmac and shut down the systems.


An automated bridge whirred up to the shuttle and locked on to the hatch.

Sannaro released the hatch.


They think all this is a courtesy, but I see it as confinement.

They walked through the short hallway into the empty space terminal.


An automated voice rang out impassively in multiple languages, except in Astrisi, to please follow the hallway to the tram staging area and a tram will arrive shortly.


Even since Sannaro's presence among the Astrisi caused them to relax more around worlders, they still didn’t allow anyone except for Sannaro to learn their language.


They walked quietly to the tram area.


As they waited, Sannaro wandered over to look at the posters of various vistas on Arcturus. One poster showed blue-green grass and dark brown trees topped with a canopy of dusty blue leaves that framed a peaceful blue-green lake. In the distance was a chain of snow-covered lavender mountains. Under the picture was words in Basic that said "Visit beautiful Lake Sahenna".


Sannaro heard the rumbling of the approaching tram so he turned away from the poster and joined Lazha at the boarding platform.


I envy your heightened senses, San. You heard the tram coming before I did.



Larger ears.



Did you get them caught in a buzz saw or were you born that way?

Sannaro resisted the urge to send a little stinging energy into Ku'an’s mind for that remark. Sannaro reluctantly restrained himself from retaliating against Ku'an’s remark about his ears.


Sannaro followed Lazha into the tram. He reached up to grasp a handhold that hung from the ceiling of the car and found it a bit of a stretch.


He leaned against the wall of the car.


Tall Humans.




Too bad you’ve stopped growing!



They should consider the races that are naturally of less stature.



You could always ask Lazha if you can take her hand like she’s your Mommy.

The tram jerked forward, then smoothly rolled along the tunneled tracks.


Sannaro balanced himself to compensate for the moving tram, then flipped his blue-black hair into his face and crossed his arms and legs.


That’s right, hide behind your hair, boy!



Ku'an, enough! Sannaro's a meter away from calling challenge on you. He’s behaving himself, which is more than I can say about you. If I wasn’t so worried about this deal, I wouldn’t have asked you both along. Let’s just get this meeting done?



Okay, I’ll stop talking to your little golden boy.

Ku'an turned away from them.


Sannaro stayed in the comfort of the blue-black curtain of hair until the tram pulled in to the main terminal of the Arcturus Spaceport. He flipped it out of his face then swept it behind his ears before he followed Lazha out into the sea of many races and colors of people from all over the Alliance.


The tidal wave of thoughts the non-telepaths unconsciously sent threatened to engulf Sannaro’s shields so he strengthened them.


Even with his new control, he was still glad when they climbed into a taxi. It hovered off the ground then sped off to take them to the meeting.




They climbed out in front of a large white brick building. In the left corner of the wall was a door. On the side wall to the left was a series of shipping docks. Climate control units hummed steadily from the rooftop.


Nice facility.

Lazha led the way to the door.


It slid open and they entered into an office where a pleasant-looking human man looked up at them through butter colored curls with steel gray eyes. He grinned, leapt from his chair and held out his hand.


Oh, yes, Commander Lazha!



The name’s Raoul Talbot. My colleague Chingata Ashnomi is awaiting us in the warehouse.

Once they passed through the door, they met a man who amazed Sannaro. This man was decidedly human and slightly taller than Sannaro, but lean with slightly slanted eyes and a yellow-brown skin.


The man bowed to them.


Sannaro found himself bowing back. He wondered if the man was going to bellow a challenge next, but he stood impassively and waited.


Raoul cleared his throat and gestured to a cluster of canisters.


Here’s the load we want to ship.



I want my hazardous containment specialist to inspect the canisters.

Lazha jerked her head at Ku'an. Ku'an went over to the cluster. Ku'an squat down and look closer at the canisters. His mind radiated with suspicion as he noted the monitoring controls on some of the containers weren't in the same places.


Ku'an reached out to a canister nestled in the center of a cluster when he glimpsed a brown line down its side. He shook his head as he scratched the brown line with a fingernail and it flaked off. Ku'an brought the brown flakes up to his nose and sniffed. He stood up and wiped his hands down the legs of his pants before he returned to Lazha.


Substandard housing with dissimilar casing and some are rusted. That garbage isn’t going in my storage bays.



I support my expert. I can’t accept this deal.

Lazha turned away.


Ashnomi shot his hand out and clamped around Lazha’s wrist.


As Sannaro sprang into action, a loud shrill screech ripped through the air. He felt like his head was going to split open as he pressed his hands to his ears. Through blurred vision, he saw the impassive human was a flurry of movement worthy of Edat, the senior self-defense instructor, as he attacked Lazha and Ku'an.


Sannaro’s vision dimmed and he hit the floor hard.






Sannaro felt like a dogfight was being waged in his head as he shook off unconsciousness. He looked down and saw he was chained spread-eagle from grommets on the wall of the warehouse.


Lazha who was hunched over on the floor with her arms and legs chained to grommets on the floor.


Raoul Talbot stepped out of another room.


Ultrasonic frequencies, it drives a Saili nuts. I was warned about your pet Saili. You should have taken our offer.

He swung his steel-toe boot deep into Lazha’s abdomen.


Lazha gasped and coughed as her body shook from the agony.


Stop it!



You’re in no condition to do anything about it! You Astrisi think you’re so much better than us!


Raoul pulled Lazha’s head up with her red curls and slapped her across the face. His face twisted in fury.


Sannaro forced himself not to cringe from the blast of hatred that slammed through his already aching head. He concentrated to amass psychic energy to slam him back.


Chingata Ashnomi was in front of him with old-fashioned clothes pins a lot like the ones his family had used to hang their clothes up to dry on a rope in their back yard on Regalis in both hands. Chingata clamped the pins onto his ears.


Sannaro arched his head back as agony exploded through his head. The nerves that ran through his ears spasmed as if they tried to throw off the pressure. His vision swam and his legs buckled.


Oh, that's cruel!






He was gathering Chi to throw at you.



What's Chi?



It is the inner force of one’s being. The Saili have strong Chi.



Whatever. So now how are we going to get this hydrochloric acid to the guys at Aquila?



That HC1 isn’t going to last long in those old containers.



I will have to work out something else.

Chingata walked into the office.


Raoul dropped to his knees to pummel Lazha repeatedly.


Damn bitch!



Stop that!

Sannaro pulled on his chains with all the force his powerful arms and legs could give.


You can’t stop me, midget!

Talbot stepped up to Sannaro and plunged his fist into Sannaro’s stomach.


Sannaro woofed and his legs collapsed again. His head snapped back from a fist to his nose then he was kneed in the groin. Sannaro gasped for breath. He licked blood off his upper lip. His shoulders felt like they were going to dislocate from all his weight held up by the chains on his wrists.


Talbot shook his fingers out.


Damn, you’re hard!



I’m metallic, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t feel it.

He waited for the intense pain to leave his groin before he shakily stood up again and leaned against the wall. He shook his head to flip his hair back from his face then winced when a clip shifted on an ear. He gave a shuddering sigh.


Talbot pointed at Sannaro’s thick arms.


Look at those big muscles. I’ll bet girls dig the muscles.



I’m married.



Oh ho, the old guy just shot bullets with his eyes!



No, I don’t like him. My girl took leave of her senses when she took him as her mate.



You took the guy’s girl?



I did not take the guy’s girl, she asked me!



After you mind-linked with her and coerced her!



Aren’t you two fun!



Why are you sending hydrochloric acid to Aquila?



We’ve got a nice poaching job on Aquila shipping rare Aquilani seafood. We cure it with the HC1, but Aquila won’t let us ship it legally so we need to find alternative ways to get it there. A friend told me you Astrisi would ship anything. Then you had to get picky on us.



HC1 can blow up a starship if it becomes unsettled. It can blow up your buddies, too.

While Ku'an talked about the delicate conditions of hydrochloric acid, Sannaro closed his eyes and concentrated on blocking out the throbbing pain that came from his ears. He pushed his telepathic senses out and quested for the mental signature of his sister. When he felt her, he formed a tenuous link.





San, why do you sound so weak? I'll extend my senses to ease the strain on yours.



The deal went wrong. Lazha, Ku'an and I are captured. Go tell Hadah we need help. I can’t keep this long, my ears have clothes pins on my top points and I’m getting nauseous.



Oh, how mean! I’ll inform Hadah.

Sannaro dropped his shoulders and fought to settle his stomach. He opened his eyes again. When vertigo hit him, he closed them again.


Talbot's face felt close to Sannaro’s. He cautiously opened his eyes and saw Raoul peeking under his curtain of hair.


Having trouble there?



Just a little nausea.

Raoul quickly withdrew then decided to see what Chingata was doing.


Sannaro looked down at the curled body of Lazha.


Lazha, are all right? I sent a message to Vara to warn Hadah. I hope he comes soon.

Her only reply was a small groan.




Hadah was working on a report for several of the missions that had returned from Arcturus, but he wasn’t concerned about Lazha’s landing.


He looked up when he heard quick footsteps climb the stairs.


Metei entered with Varanani in tow.


Hadah, Varanani insisted she had to see you.

Hadah had only been acquainted with Sannaro's older sister since she came to the Astrisi during the Zuran War, but he'd seen her enough to know she was anxious about something.


Cherna rushed through the still opened door.


What is it, Varanani?



It's Sannaro, he telepathically contacted me. He's hurt! He told me to tell you the deal went bad and they need your help!



What? San’s hurt?



He just linked with me. He sounded so weak and told me he had clothes pins clipped on his ears!



Oh how painful! Hadah, we have to save them!



We will.

He turned on the intercom.


Red and White teams report to the Pilot’s Lounge.

He closed the line.


Shall we join our pilots?




Varanani followed Cherna and Hadah down the stairs. They met both teams crowding the bottom of the stairs.


Please, sit down and I’ll tell you why I called you here.

The pilots sat down.


Sannaro’s sent a distress call through his sister that the deal went bad. San, Lazha and Ku'an are being held captive by the shippers and we’re going to free them.



Are we flying Vizha'i?



Nui, we’ll go by shuttle. We don’t need to alarm the Arcturan government with Vizha'i screaming through their atmosphere.



How does San get himself into these situations?



Sheer talent?



Oh, lay off him, guys!


Sannaro was asked by Lazha to go on this mission. Now they need help and we’re going to give it to them.



Prepare for battle and meet at the shuttle preparation area in five minutes. Dismissed.

He went to the stairs and returned to his office with Cherna and Varanani close behind him. He opened a communication channel and the screen lit up with Retal.


Bridge, Retal here.



Rey, can you get me the address where Lazha was meeting the shippers? Varanani just came to me to tell me San sent a distress call through her. I’m deploying a force to help free them.



I had a bad feeling this deal would go sour. I’ll send it to you right away. Just don’t make a big production down there.



I’ll keep it low-key.

As soon as he cut the line with Retal, an icon on the screen told him he had a written message. He opened it and scanned over the address Retal sent. He printed it out, picked it up then rushed down the stairs.

Cherna met him in the pilots' lounge.


I told Metei to prepare a shuttle with a passenger module.



Good, let’s fly. Thanks for the warning, Vara.

She went to the elevators as Cherna and Hadah rushed to the shuttle and joined the two teams to fly to Arcturus.




Sannaro shifted his legs to another standing position as he tried unsuccessfully to keep his feet from falling asleep. Each movement made his ears spasm from the continued pressure of the clothespin on his highest points. He stretched to stand on his toes and tried to pull a hand down to knock a pin off his ear, but he couldn’t stretch far enough. He groaned as he slumped down and leaned against the wall again.


Why didn’t you know they were going to turn on us? So much for the all-mighty telepathy!



I may be a telepath, but I don’t know everything! That guy was ready for me!



You should have known that, too!



Oh? Since when did you become an expert on telepathy? It may surprise you, but some Humans are surprisingly good at veiling their thoughts from me.



What a great Defender you turned out to be.



You had the opportunity to free us, too, yet you were taken down by Chingata Ashnomi!



I’m not a Defender.



Well, Lazha is a trained defender and he defeated her so he must be very good.



Thank you!

Sannaro heard the office door open and Raoul strode up to them. He adjusted the clips to press right on the nerve.


So, how’s them ears?

Sannaro groaned, closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall.


You know, I heard a story about Saili that someone long ago put clips on them Saili ears and pulled them out to stretch them eyelids slant-ways, but the clips finally sliced their ears in two and that’s why they have two points!



I wish I had thought of that one.

Sannaro gritted his teeth. He roared and yanked hard on his chains.


The chains made a loud groan and then they snapped.


Sannaro was seeing red as he pulled the chains around his feet and snapped them from their grommets then closed in on Talbot


Talbot backpedaled toward the office while he called for Chingata.


Sannaro reached up to his ears, pulled off the clips and threw them to the floor.


You mean unkafata!

Sannaro punched Talbot in the nose.

Talbot put his hands over his bleeding nose.


Hey, I’m not the one who put the clips on your ears!



No, but you made the last remark!



So, you want to take me on?

Talbot smirked as he danced on the balls of his feet and took a few practice boxing jabs.


Sannaro grabbed Talbot’s fist and flipped him over his hip to the floor.


From the corner of his eye, Sannaro saw Chingata sneak toward the room Talbot used to make the disabling shriek that brought him down before.


He slammed the flat of his hand on Talbot’s chest to knock him out. He sprinted to intercept Chingata and leapt into the air to tackle him.


Chingata whirled at the last minute and pushed Sannaro into the wall.


Sannaro's left hip and shoulder exploded with pain as they impacted the wall and his head soon contacted the wall as well. He fell to the floor on his hands and knees. He gasped and shook his head.


He crouched into a fighting stance with the left clawed hand outstretched before him, slanted down and his right clawed hand beside his ear.


Chingata chuckled as he struck his own stance.


Chingata swept in with a punch to the face.


Sannaro ducked under then grasped the arm, whirled around, pushed his hip into Chingata’s hip and threw the man over his shoulder to the floor.


Chingata rolled to a stand and was back in stance.


Sannaro kicked with his right, then with his left, then followed with a roundhouse kick to Chingata’s side.


Chingata blocked the front kicks, but the roundhouse hit its mark. He staggered, then recovered.


Talbot awakened and grabbed a laser gun from the office.


Ku'an was about to give alarm when Talbot targeted Sannaro.


Good try, man, but you make one more move, I'll fry your brains.

Sannaro sighed and held his arms up.


Everyone froze when a loud clang came from the door.


The door imploded.


Hadah led Cherna and two Vizha'e teams into the warehouse.


Talbot whirled around to the door to fire.


Cherna whipped out her gun and shot TAlbot. As he sank to the floor, Cherna ran over to Sannaro.


Hadah ran to Lazha, dropped to his knees and pulled her red curls back from her face.


Lazha, can you hear me?

She voiced a low moan.


We need Zhad.



San, attack!

Sannaro blocked multiple fist blows at his face, but not one went through his rapid-moving arms.


When Chingata seemed to slow, Sannaro blocked a strike with his left arm, then slammed Chingata’s chest with the flat of his hand.


Chingata staggered backward and gripped his chest for a second, then was back in stance.


Shouldn’t we help San?



I think he’s got it well in hand, Pakwa. Let him finish his challenge honorably.

Tisa moved over to Ku'an with the keys to his cuffs and released him from the wall.

Even though Ku'an was free, he lowered his arms and stayed against the wall to watch the battle.


Sannaro cautiously walked circles around Chingata as if he was deciding what to do next.


Chingata was panting a bit as he followed Sannaro’s movements. Sannaro’s blow to Chingata’s chest had injured him. Chingata swept in on Sannaro with a left fist, right fist, front left snap kick then a left side kick.


Sannaro blocked each move, then grabbed Chingata’s leg on the side kick and spun him to the floor. Before Chingata could roll back up to stand, Sannaro dropped to one knee and chopped his hand into the back of Chingata’s knee. Sannaro leapt back to his feet and backed up a few steps.


Chingata rolled back up, but he was slightly limping on his left leg.

Sannaro threw a left cross punch.


Chingata ducked it.


Sannaro continued the spin and brought his left foot crashing down on Chingata’s weak knee.


Chingata yelped as a sickening crack reverberated through the room and he fell to the floor, clutching his left leg that lay in an awkward angle.


Sannaro backed off and took a relaxed pose.


Chingata shakily bowed from the floor.


You are worthy opponent, Sannaro.

Chingata reached into his tunic.


Sannaro wondered what Chingata was doing too, so he scanned Chingata’s mind.




Sannaro saw the trigger in Chingata's pocket that was to set off a package of plastic explosives pressed underneath an acid container.




He’s going to blow up the warehouse!

Sannaro rushed over to pick up Lazha before he joined the others who rushed out the door.


Half way across the street, the warehouse exploded in a super-hot ball of fire.


The explosion blew Sannaro several hundred meters into the air. He twisted in the air to shield Lazha from impacting the ground. He came down hard on his right shoulder.

He screamed as he felt the socket separate. He rolled Lazha to the ground and sat up on his knees to clutch his dislocated shoulder. Yellow blood soaked the chest and sleeve of his torn sweatshirt.


Sannaro felt Cherna put her arms around him from his uninjured side. He turned to her and put his face on her shoulder.


Careful with my blood. I don’t it want to burn you.

After a minute, Sannaro wobbled as he stood up again and hugged his useless arm to his chest.


A few meters away, Hadah was exiting the shuttle the rescue team flew down on with a litter to move Lazha to the shuttle so they could return to the Kumani for immediate medical attention.


They took to flight and angled toward space right before the police and firefighters converged onto the burning warehouse district.




The shuttle into the landing bay.


It lowered into the maintenance deck.


As soon as he shut down the engines and the hatch opened, Zhad’s medical team rushed in.


Ever the professional, Zhad checked out Lazha who hadn’t moved once since the rescue.

Danu attended to Sannaro’s dislocated shoulder.


A short time later, Lazha was moved on a hover-gurney with a grave-looking Zhad beside her.


Sannaro followed on his feet with Danu on one side and Cherna on the other.


Hadah went down the ramp.


Where's San's shuttle?



Still at Arcturus space port in lock down, I imagine.



Fausa! I'm down one shuttle?



For now, houk, but I brought this one back.

Hadah climbed the stairs into his office from the pilot’s lounge, his computer chirped. He walked around his desk and opened the channel.


The monitor showed Zhad. with glassy eyes and rigid mouth.


You need to come to the hospital right away.



Is San all right?



San's healing fine. I need to talk to you about Lazha.



I’ll be down in five minutes.

He cut the line.






He bounded down the stairs, then walked across the flight deck to the elevators. He rode the elevator down to the main floor of the hospital section.


Zhad met him in the hall and led him into Lazha’s hospital room.


Fa’arata for coming, Hadah.



I have to admit I’m confused about why you want to discuss her condition with me. She’s no longer Vizha'e.



I’m aware she ceased being Vizha'e when she took up the command sash after Belso was killed.

Zhad frowned as they entered the room.


Lazha’s face was discolored purple and black. She lay out straight now and was eerily still. Wires and IV tubes stuck out all over her.


What I’ve brought you here to tell you is that Lazha has suffered massive trauma to her spinal cord.



You have treatments to heal the spinal cord. I’ve seen Vizha'e with spinal injuries fly again after you finished with them.



Some spinal injuries I can heal, Hadah, but Lazha’s spinal cord was severed. By the time you got her up here, it narcotized.



(hoarse whisper)

What Zhad's trying to say. Is that I won’t walk again. I’m unfit to command, Hadah. I want you to take the sash.




Hadah stumbled to the nearest chair and dropped into it.


I never thought I'd ever make it to the leader of the ship.



You’re a fine leader, Hadah. Your pilots like you much more than they ever liked Filp. I’m confident you can handle the demands of the position.



Lazha will get better, won’t she?



She still has many injuries I have to treat, but I can’t do anything about restoring her spinal cord.



Command must be done by an able-bodied person. I can no longer do that. I choose you as my successor. I’ve talked with Retal and the change of command ceremony will be held in the cafeteria later today.



I guess I should pack up my office.



Don’t be so down, Hadah. You should be happy to be given the sash of command.



Well, I’m not happy that Lazha was allowed to be so badly beaten!



Don’t blame it on Sannaro, Hadah. They disabled him right away with an ultrasonic blast that dropped him quickly. You know he has keener hearing than we do.



He should have sensed they planned to turn on you if you didn’t accept their conditions!



Ho, now wait! I taught Sannaro from the day I healed his burns that he was not to use his telepathy to take advantage of people. If you want to blame anyone for him not realizing their plan, blame me for teaching the boy some ethics.



You’re right, Zhad. I apologize. You’ve been a fine foster father to Sannaro.



Thank you. He was tougher to raise than my own two girls because I had to guess how to raise a telepathic child of alien origin.



Anyway, San’s fight with that human Asian was awesome. They both matched each other for almost every blow. The only difference was that San was a bit faster at recovering from some of the moves!



I wish I could've moved to see it, but I hurt too much.



Lazha’s tiring. She needs rest until she’s needed for the handing off of the sash.



Houk. I hope I can fulfill your confidence in me.



I believe in you or I wouldn’t have chosen you, Hadah.

Lazha cracked a small smile then it fell into a weary frown.


You just get better.

Hadah patted her hand before he left the room.


He stayed deep in thought as he took the elevator back to the Upper Flight Deck. He was relieved when no one approached him to talk all the way to his office.


He was gathering his personal items such as a picture of his mate No'ama and their daughter Na'ia at the last Festival of Ships just before she was mated to another ship.


The doorbell rang.





Rumors are flying faster than Vizha'i out there! Is it true that Lazha’s handing over her sash because of her injuries from Arcturus?

Hadah took her into his arms and snuggled his face into her hair.


Those unkafata beat her to an inch of her life.



So it's true?



She’s paraplegic. She can’t fulfill the demands of command. She’s named me as her successor. I’m going to be taking the sash later today.



You’re going to be the Commander of the Ship?






Oh, that’s amazing! Who are you going to choose to take over here?



I hope it won’t make you mad, but I was considering Sannaro.

Hadah pulled away and sat down at his desk to pull things out of the drawers.


No'ama sat on the corner of his desk.


You know I knew San was an exceptional pilot since I gave him his junior sash and my team color years ago. He’s a fine choice for Senior Fighter Pilot. I don’t mind staying just a Team-leader. I know my limitations, Hadah.

Hadah stood up, leaned over and kissed her.


That’s what I love about you. You’re so flat-out honest about what you can handle.



Senior Fighter Pilot isn’t based on seniority, but on ability. You must choose who you think is most able to handle the demands of the job.



I’m glad you understand. Now we’ll see how Yuri thinks about it. I don’t have to worry about Cherna or Arcas. Arcas was Sannaro’s Assistant Team-leader and he knows San’s abilities. Cherna would follow Sannaro into a supernova.



Don’t be so cruel. Cherna adores San, but she also knows who is the better leader.



I wasn’t trying to criticize. I was just stating the obvious.

Hadah returned to gathering his personal items.


One that Ku'an just doesn’t seem to want to get.



Ku'an’s a blind fool. You always said, if he didn’t get his way as a child, he’d give a snide remark before he’d go off and sulk.



He was always like that. He hasn’t gotten any better; in fact, he’s gotten worse with age.

Hadah finished putting everything into a bag. Hadah stood up and hung the bag on his shoulder.


Now, I hate to do this to you, love, but San’s going to need status reports to acquaint himself with what he doesn’t already know as Assistant Senior Fighter Pilot.



Houk, Senior, I will do as you command.

She bowed before she swept out of the room.


Hadah chuckled before he took one last look at his former office then went to No'ama and his apartment to prepare for the ceremony.




The cafeteria was rearranged with the small platform in the corner that was used for the band during parties, but there were no streamers hanging from small prismatic balls, colorful banners on the walls or blown glass goblets and sturdy ceramic cups for drinks.


Hadah glimpsed a flash of yellow and saw that Sannaro was using both arms again as he walked with his arm around Cherna’s waist. On either side of them were their shiny pink-skinned, three-pointed-eared, blue-black haired children.


Andoku was growing well and was showing signs of becoming stocky like Sannaro.

Unlike his father who preferred free-flowing hair, Andu had a headband around his head that he twisted at the back and his hair pulled into the loop to draw his hair into a ponytail.


Little Ambrika’s hip-long blue-black hair bounced as she skipped beside her mother. Her dark slanted eyes looked intently through the room.


Ba'ia rushed through the crowd to catch up with the metallic family to talk with Sannaro and Cherna and to give the children big hugs.


Di'ok entered with his mate Sha'ya, their children Aki’iki and Matai along with Danu, his mate, Sannaro's sister Varanani, and their son Marcario and joined Sannaro.


No'ama slid her hand along his back and stopped beside him.


Hey, why are you hanging in the shadows?



Just watching Ba'ia greet her grandchildren and wishing Na'ia was here.

The crowd fell into dead silence when Zhad pushed Lazha in a hover chair into the room.


Once she was on the platform, Kiki handed her a microphone.


(hoarse whisper)

I always hated these. But since I have little voice, it was necessary. At least, be consoled that those who did this to me are dead. I’ll never walk again.

She sniffed then set the microphone down on her lap to swipe the tears from her face. After a minute, she picked up the microphone again.


I give the sash of command over to Hadah.

Hadah slowly moved to the dais and faced Lazha.


Lazha held up the black sash with shaking hands as Hadah held his hands up. She laid the sash onto his hands.


The sash has been passed. Guard the Kumani well.

Lazha bowed her head and a big sob tore from her lips.


Hadah bent down and hugged her shoulders. He was grateful when she laid her head on his shoulder and cried her tears out.


Finally, she pulled away from him and he stood up.


He tied the sash around his waist then turned back to his people.


My vacated position goes to Sannaro. I know he’ll defend the Kumani with strength and courage.

Sannaro’s dark eyes widened as he pointed to his chest.


Hadah brought his vermilion sash out of his pocket and held it in the palms of his hands.


Sannaro bowed his head as he walked to the dais. Once he was in front of Hadah, he flipped his hair back and stood as tall as he could, then held up his hands.


Hadah felt his chest tighten with pride as he laid the Senior Fighter Pilot sash into Sannaro’s hands. Hadah untied the red sash with the vermilion stripe from around Sannaro’s waist so Sannaro could tie his new sash in its place.


Hadah had expected the mixed reaction of some beaming while others, including Ku'an, scowled.


Sannaro turned toward the crowd.


I will announce my choice for Senior Assistant once I make that decision.

Hadah noticed that Lazha had her head up again and was beaming at Sannaro and him.


I commend you, Hadah. You chose your successor without prejudice.



I’m going to pay for it too, but I know Sannaro's the right choice.



Fa’arata, Hadah, I won’t disappoint you.

Hadah patted Sannaro’s broad shoulder.


I know you won’t.

Sannaro winced.


Hadah dropped his hand.


Oh, I forgot your recent dislocation.



That’s okay it's healed though it's a little tender still.

Sannaro massaged his right shoulder. He dropped his hand and a puzzled look crossed his face.


Hadah knew Sannaro made that face when his telepathy sensed something was wrong.

The alert klaxons blared.


What, San? What's the alert?



Several Allied Defense Force Battleships have surrounded the Kumani, but they aren’t launching!






Commander to the bridge, urgent message from Earth Terran Alliance Council.



Put the flight bays on alert, San, but don’t launch until I find out what’s going on!




Sannaro sprinted for the elevator with other Vizha'e close behind him.


Hadah made sure Sannaro was on his way before he called another elevator to take him to the command deck.


The elevator opened onto a busy corridor. He turned left and went through a heavy bulkhead into a loft with every inch of the wall lined with machinery and consoles to the left.


To the right, was a banister overlooking a lower floor.


On the far wall at the fore was a large view screen with many smaller screens around it. The large screen showed a view of an Allied Defense Force Battleship looming like a bird-of-prey on the verge of swooping in while the others showed different views ranging from on board Vizha'i to any ship-wide information.


Several meters away from it began a whole series of computer boards in a horseshoe shape. More stations lined the walls and Hadah knew that under the loft was the Communications control-station. In the middle of the room was a comfortable-looking chair.


He bounded down the stairs against the wall.


I’ll take the message in the commander’s office, Retal.

He turned left to a door under the stairwell and rushed into the tiny office. The small room only had enough room for a desk, a small sofa and a cot pushed under the slanted-roofed place under the stairs.


Hadah slipped around the side of the desk and sat down.


He frowned when he saw the picture on the desk of Lazha leaning against Senior Communications Specialist Ki'el and their daughter Kahea who was now a practicing Doctor on the Vukutis.


He reluctantly tore his eyes from the picture and opened the communication channel.


A distinguished human man with graying honey-blond hair and blue eyes appeared on the screen and immediately his eyes widened.


What? I was expecting Lazha.



My name is Hadah. Lazha is in the hospital in grave condition.



Greetings, Hadah. I wish our meeting was under better circumstances. I'm Jonathan Daniels, Speaker of the Council of the Alliance.



I remember your son, Ambassador Daniels. I recall you spent some time on the Kumani after you were rescued from the Zurans by Sannaro and your son.



That's correct, Hadah. As I said, I wish this was in better circumstances. I’m sure you've identified the ADF ships that surround the Kumani?



Can’t miss them. Why are they here?



I received a report from Arcturus about several charges brought against the Kumani concerning unauthorized landing of a shuttle in a no-spacecraft zone, energy weapons discharge in an attack of civilians by the Astrisi and destruction of a whole warehouse district. Due to the gravity of this situation, Commander, it has been decided that the Astrisi will voyage to Earth for negotiations with the Council of the Alliance or the Allied Defense Force will be ordered to open fire on your spaceship.



What?! Those civilians kidnapped Lazha, Sannaro and our Senior Fuel Handler when we wouldn’t ship their poorly contained Hydrochloric Acid to Aquila! They beat Lazha within an inch of her life! We were freeing our people!



While the kidnapping of your people was criminal, your unwillingness to go to the proper authorities to resolve your conflict is why we're demanding this course of action.

The screen went blank.


Hadah rushed out of the office.





Do we disintegrate the skisla humans?



The Terran Council says we either fly to Earth or the ADF will fire on us.

Zhinar whirled his chair around.


They dare speak to the Astrisi like that? We’ll shoot them to fausa!



Wait, Zhinar, let’s not be too hasty.

Chepei slammed his fist on his weapons console.


Too hasty? We’ve hesitated too long! Let’s teach them what happens when they cross the Astrisi!



There may be friends aboard that Battleship! We fought alongside them in the Zuran War!



Di'ok’s right. It may not be my place since Lazha's no longer the commander, but I don’t think we should fire on the ADF.



Fa’arata, Retal. We should hear what the Alliance Council has to say before we declare war on a whole star system. Retal, call San and tell him to stand down the alert. Zhinar, set a course for Earth. I’m going back into the office and contact Speaker Daniels to inform him we’re coming.



Speaker Daniels?



Yes, Jonathan Daniels. He was with you while you were prisoner with the Zurans, wasn’t he?



Houk, he had so much inner strength and wisdom.

He patted Di'ok’s arm before he stepped back into the office and reopened the channel.


Speaker Daniels, the Kumani is setting course for Earth.



Thank you, Commander Hadah. I have much respect and admiration for your people. I regret I had to force this issue. I hope we can come to a mutual agreement between the Alliance and the Astrisi.



I’ve only convinced them to listen, but I have no control over the final decision.



Don’t downplay your role in the upcoming decisions, Commander Hadah. Our personal opinions can carry much weight if they're well spoken.



I’ll remember that. We’ll pull in to Earth in a few weeks.



I’ll see you then.

The screen blackened again.


Hadah slouched into the chair.


Oh great, everyone will remember my command! The first decision I make is going to be whether the Astrisi survive this dispute.

The door chime sounded.





We’re pulling out and setting course for Earth. The ADF battleships are keeping pace in their maintained positions.



An escort? Did this have to crash around me as soon as the sash was put in my hands?



I don’t envy what you have to face. But I do think you made the better decision in this instance. You’ve already shown you’ll be a levelheaded commander and that’s a good start.



Fa’arata, Retal.



Now, I must ask this- are you going to choose your own second or retain me?



I hope you don’t mind keeping the position for now. I need an experienced person by my side.



I'd be honored.



Please monitor the bridge while I comb the computer to learn how to do this job.



Good luck.



Fa’arata, I’ll need it!

Retal smiled in sympathy before he went out the door.


Hadah typed an entry on the keyboard.


When the text appeared, he began to read.




The Kumani drives forward with an ADF Dreadnought pacing her.






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