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Days later, when Sannaro walked off the Saili shuttle onto Vagakta Station along with Uncle Devasru, Aunt Tsekani, Vanrero and Varanani, he took a deep breath of oxygen rich atmosphere.


Oh, it’s wonderful to breathe again.

Gavasno followed with Verano in handcuffs and ear shackles.


Devasru led them through the halls to the suite they'd been told would be theirs.


Gavasno took Verano into a bedroom to secure him.


Tsekani and Devasru took Vanrero to a room so he could rest so soon after the treatment of his injuries.


Varanani selected her room and seemed to want to be alone.


Sannaro went over to the computer to put a call through to the Kumani.


Di'ok's image appeared on the screen.


Sannaro, thank Iachi’awei you’re alive!



It hasn’t been easy, brother. I need to talk to Lazha and Parik.



Cherna’s been frantic since she came back.



I would love to talk to her. But there's still business that must be finished here. Parik, I’ve selected you as mediator for negotiations between Grand Akuba Hiamovi, Uncle Devasru and myself.



What happened?



After I was taken to Sailia, a civil war broke out between the combined group of Gonkacha and the Deviants against the Conservative Saili. I was swept up into the fighting. We captured Verano and we used him to force Hiamovi into negotiating with us.



You look so sad, San.



Briarko's dead.



I’m sorry.



Vanrero was injured, but he’s healing. Will you accept the position as the mediator, Parik?



I will, San. I’ll arrange transport over.



Fa’arata, can you transfer me to Cherna?



Of course.

When the screen came back on, Cherna was so close to the screen he thought he'd be able to breathe in her honeysuckle scent. Her face glistened with tears. Now he hated that the computer held them apart.


San, you’re all right!



I'm alive. I want you so much!



Oh, ko'io! What happened?



I killed Briarko! I killed- I killed Briarko!

He hit his chest with his fist, but the pain of the strike didn’t come close to the pain he felt inside.


Oh, Sannaro, I’m sorry!



I need you, Cherna!

He held his hand out toward the screen.


She held her own hand out toward his.


I'm coming! Hold on. I’ll ask Lazha to let me fly to Vagakta Station!

Devasru rushed through the door and hugged him.


Sannaro gasped against Devasru’s shoulder.


Sannaro, don’t do this to yourself! I forgave you, boy, I forgave you.



But, can I forgive myself?



Cherna, I’ll calm him down, dear, you do what you need to do.

She nodded then reluctantly cut the line.


Sannaro reached toward the blank screen.


No, Sannaro, she’s not gone. Reach out, feel her mind reach for yours.

Sannaro reached his telepathy out. When he began to strain beyond his limit, he felt his uncle’s mind push him on until he felt Cherna’s essence straining beyond her limited non-telepathic mind. He pushed out and enveloped her essence in his and they merged into one. Sannaro gasped, arched his back then relaxed.


There she is. There she is. You’ll be all right, son.



Thank you, you helped us be together.



I can’t lose you, too. Don’t make me lose you out of the guilt you feel for killing Briarko.



I won’t, Uncle Devasru. Why did you help me have mental sex with Cherna?



Your need to be with her was so strong you had to merge with her or you were going to harden from your emotional overload. As I said, I couldn’t bear to lose you.



I could have died?



Yes, Saili can only bear to be away from their mates for a short time even in the best situations, which this was far from being. In your guilt-ridden anguish, if you hadn’t merged your mind with hers, you would've pushed yourself until your body gave out and you would've hardened.



I know so little about the Saili, I didn’t know that. I only felt I had to be with her.



I sensed you didn’t know. That’s why I helped you.

Sannaro closed his eyes and sent his feelings of love through Devasru’s hand.


Devasru grabbed Sannaro into a tight hug.


Suddenly, Sannaro felt as well as sensed Varanani, Tsekani and Vanrero join into their hug and they added their love to Devasru and Sannaro’s.


Sannaro looked toward where he sensed the Kumani was closing in on Vagakta station.

He smiled and nestled into the embrace of his family.




He remembered the last night on Regalis when Damira, Giovano and Devakio had embraced Varanani and him beside the fire as the storm had raged outside.


Varanani as she was now entered into his mental image and hugged the image of the family they once had.



Welcome home, Sannaro.

Sannaro willed little Sanna to become his older self and entered the hug again.

Within that gloomy little shack, Devasru, Tsekani and Vanrero appeared and added themselves to the huddle.


Sannaro reached out to Cherna’s mind that was busy flying the shuttle with Parik at her side and he drew her essence into the image.


Cherna’s blue eyes widened as she looked around.


Where am I?




Sannaro drew her into the hug and a tiny form with yellow skin, blue-black hair and blue-black eyes coalesced on her shoulder.


Welcome, Andoku.

He reached over and kissed the little form’s cheek.


The tiny hand reached out to grab his mother’s ear.


She nuzzled against the little hand and grinned at Sannaro.


We are one.




One family for eternity.



One family for eternity.



The inner image faded to Vagakta station once more with only the surviving members in the hug, but Sannaro still sensed Cherna’s mind drawing nearer.


Was that real?



As real as Saili telepathy. Was that image the last time you felt a family merge?




Sannaro began to tremble.


Varanani helped him sit down again.


Tsekani’s eyes filled with tears as she leaned against Devasru.


That was a long time.



It was. Was that my son?



Yes, Cherna helped him to image himself. What we saw was what Cherna wants him to be, but his essence was within that image.

Sannaro sobbed and held his chest.


Tears rolled down his cheeks, but instead of sorrow, he felt joy swell in him.


He’s overwhelmed.



I’ve been alone for so long.



Too long.



Cherna’s coming in!


Sannaro rushed from the suite. He didn’t stop running until he entered the shuttle bay.


The Astrisi shuttle was just opening.


Cherna rushed down the ramp before it touched the deck and rushed into Sannaro’s arms.


They kissed each other hungrily for several minutes before they pulled back.


Did that really happen? Was I really in a big hug with your family? And who were the other Saili with you?



Yes, you were really in a big hug with my family. The other people you saw was my father Giovano, my mother Damira and my brother Devakio and you brought Andoku into it with you!



That was Andoku?



What we saw was your image of him, but his essence was within your image. There’s so much about the Saili I don’t know!

He picked her up and twirled her around.


Sorry, Parik, something so wonderful happened telepathically to us. I can’t explain it.



I haven’t seen so much joy in you before, Sannaro, and I thought I knew you quite well!



I thought I knew me too! Come, my family is waiting.



I’m sorry, Sannaro, I have to decline at this time. As the mediator, I must stay neutral until the negotiations are over. However, there's no such limit on Cherna. She may go with you.



Fa’arata, Parik.

Sannaro bowed back then swept out of the flight deck with Cherna’s hand in his.


They rushed through the empty station.


San, slow down!



There are no sound disruption laws here!

He ran with reckless abandon through the nearly empty station until they came to the suite.


The door swept open.


The family grinned as Sannaro rushed through the living room with a little wave of his hand, then they rushed into a bedroom.


Sannaro spun around, pressed his body against hers and kissed her mouth hungrily.


She wrapped her arms around his neck, then reached up and stroked his ear.


He hissed as his body shook from her electrifying touch of his ear.


I was waiting for that!



Sannaro dropped to the bed in satisfied exhaustion.


I’m whole again.



You’ve changed.



Good or bad?



Good, but why is it that you were devastated when you first called me yet now you’re as giddy as a child?



When I called you, I hadn’t quite faced the horror of what I had done. Uncle Devasru told me the sudden guilt-ridden anguish that came out when I saw you was so strong I was going to kill myself.



Oh, nui!



Houk, but Uncle Devasru came to me and wouldn’t let me die. He helped me link with you because he knew if I mind-merged with you, it would keep me alive. Then, I was so touched by Uncle Devasru’s desire to keep me alive, I remembered a feeling I had locked away. It was the feeling of love I sent to my mother the night before the Kumani came and attacked my home. I suddenly sent that feeling to Uncle Devasru and it unlocked something inside me. Then everyone joined in my feelings of love and then I brought you in and Andoku appeared and I felt- I felt whole again like I had that night before- before my family died.

Sannaro laid his head on Cherna’s chest and poured out all the bundled feelings into his tears.


Cherna put her arms around his shoulders and let him cry.




Sannaro felt a lot more in control of himself the next day when he entered with his Uncle Devasru into the conference room where the negotiations were to take place.


Parik was already inside and nodded to them both as Devasru and Sannaro sat down on one side of the rectangular table.


Shortly after, Hiamovi swept into the room with his voluminous robes of the Grand Akuba flowing behind him and glared at Devasru and Sannaro before he took his seat.

Parik stood up from his seat at the center of the table.


My name is Parik. I am the Senior of the Ruling Council on the Astrisi starship Kumani. I was selected to mediate the negotiations between the combined forces of the Gonkacha, represented by Sannaro Damirateyak and Deviant Saili, represented by Devasru Masanateyak and the Government of Sailia, represented by the Grand Akuba Hiamovi. I declare these negotiations in session.



As you know, Hiamovi, we have Doctor Verano in our custody. We insist that Verano cease his practice.



And stop testing his “treatments” on unwilling patients. The Gonkacha will no longer tolerate being tested on.



I don’t understand this animosity. Doctor Verano’s research will eventually benefit all Saili.



Have you walked through the Rehabilitation Facility? I have and I damn well won’t tolerate being electrocuted because I don’t behave right!



Restrain yourself, Sannaro.

Sannaro reluctantly complied.


His methods are unethical. You have no right to dictate to your people how we are to view the Universe and how we are to behave. On Belvas, I saw a very well run colony under the administration of Ambassador Eradano. Eradano said when we returned to Sailia at the onset of the Zuran War his political input was ignored. You finally stripped him of his position within the Council of Akuba.



You forget yourself, Devasru. As Grand Akuba, I am entitled to dictate to my children what is acceptable behavior. Eradano came into my Council of Akuba and decided that he had to tell me how to run my people. That was unacceptable, so I dismissed him, exactly the same reason I dismissed you.



Who named you a luyaki Emperor?



Emperor is a Human term, child. I am Tsiakuba.



Grand Fool is more like it!



Then leave, you impertinent child! Negotiations are better discussed by adults anyway.

Sannaro curled his lips back and growled.


Gentlemen, this mediator suggests refraining from challenging language.



Sannaro, Parik's right, you're not helping these proceedings by losing your temper.



Then maybe we should take Grand Akuba Hiamovi on a guided tour of the Rehabilitation Center so he can see for himself what Verano's doing?



There’s a problem with that, the mediator can’t come with us because of his inability to breathe methane. There's no way to maintain the neutrality.



Then how do we negotiate with someone who thinks he’s always right?



This is getting us nowhere. I cannot live with these Deviants who think we must change the ways we Saili have lived by for centuries to accommodate their unacceptable behavior!



Then I’d rather live with a Human! At least they’re more reasonable!



Then go live with your Humans and leave us alone!



Grand Akuba, I-



No, Uncle, don’t apologize to him. Maybe he has the right idea.



But Sannaro, you’re talking about- ban-






From Sailia forever?



Do you want to continue fighting until everyone's dead? That fight in the Rehabilitation Center yard was an uncontrolled riot! Brother was fighting Brother, Sister against Sister. Do we want to destroy ourselves? Who will be next to be lost, Vanrero, Varanani? I finally have my family back, Devasru. Am I to lose it again? The fighting has to stop!



All right, then I support your suggestion of banishment.



Once you leave, you will no longer be welcome on Sailia. Vagakta Station will be closed and no one will approach Sailia. You can do whatever you want.



I accept.



I don’t have a problem with that. We Gonkacha can make a new colony where we won’t be experimented on like laboratory rats where it will be okay to be a mutant.



Is it the consensus of this negotiation that the Gonkacha and Deviant population of Sailia will accept permanent banishment from Sailia and all its orbits?



I accept.



I accept.



I accept. You will leave as soon as possible.



You may have Verano to do as you want with him.



Thank you, Devasru.

Hiamovi smirked before he walked out of the room.


Sannaro wasn't sure but he thought he saw light shift and elongate from an unoccupied chair at the table.


Devasru sunk down into his chair and put his head in his hands.


Sannaro laid his hand on Devasru’s shoulder.


I know you’re sad, Uncle, but I think it’s for the best. We now have the right to choose our own lives.





Sannaro returned to Sailia and helped the patients in the Rehabilitation Center be moved up to the Hospital on the Kumani where Zhad, Kinetiko and Aureliana could continue their treatments so they'd recover their ability to function on their own.


As promised, Gavasno had handed Verano back to Hiamovi, but he hadn’t been seen once while they were cleaning out the Rehab Center.


Every Saili who had fought with him and some who had stayed neutral of the fighting were volunteering spacecraft of many varieties to transport the people who were leaving Sailia.


Sannaro knew the Stevedores on the Kumani were quickly rebuilding the cargo holds into barracks to house more Saili.


Gavasno ran up to him.


Sannaro, I’m getting swamped with requests from the people who're leaving! They want to enter into the Caves of Death to take their deceased family members, too! What do I do?



Talk to Devasru or Eradano about it. I don’t know anything about Saili burial practices and the treatment of the dead.

Sannaro saw Sikyatavo walk through the camp. He went over to the medic.


Are you coming with us?



No, my place is here.



But you were a part of the rebellion! Don't you want to be free of Hiamovi's tyranny?



Someone needs to stay back and help rebuild, kid. There are plenty of people going with you who can do a fine job making a new colony, like your Uncle Devasru. You made a difference here but the job's not done.



I wish you well.



I wish you well, too. I'll be fine here.

Sikyatavo patted Sannaro's shoulder before he moved off to help with the exodus.


A few hours later, Devasru approached Sannaro.


Can you talk to the Kumani to use a separate cargo area to transport the deceased the families want to take with us?



Uncle, the Astrisi have limited space for the living, much less, transporting the dead!



Do you want to leave Giovano, Damira and Devakio here? Days earlier you were overjoyed to be reunited with them and you intend to leave them behind?



What I saw was a memory, Uncle. My family is here.

Sannaro pointed to his head.


Aren’t they reunited with the Great Forger or something?



If it’s too alien for the Astrisi to understand, I’ll arrange for someone with a spaceship to transport the dead.

Devasru stomped away from Sannaro.


Sannaro shook his head, then shrugged his shoulders.




Finally, after a tiring several weeks of Sannaro flying back and forth from Sailia to the Kumani, they were ready to pull the odd armada away from Sailia.


Sannaro, Devasru and Varanani were invited to join Lazha on the bridge for Lazha’s command for their ragtag fleet to pull out.


Varanani leaned against Devasru with her hands over her face as the Kumani increased speed and flew out past the planets of the Vespa solar system.


Engage FTL engines on my mark.



FTL engines are at full power.




They slowly increased speed at first, then leapt into the field of elongated stars.


All transports report they have successfully made the transition to FTL speed.

Sannaro heard his sister sob in their uncle’s shoulder. Sannaro laid a sympathetic hand on both their shoulders, but he found he couldn’t join in their grief. They had lost their home, but, for him, he was home.


He climbed up the stairs to the upper level of the bridge. He stopped just below the heavy bulkhead that was currently stored inside the walls when the ship wasn’t being threatened.


I’m sorry I didn’t stop Roger Arlington from killing you, Belso, but I know you were sorry you killed my father. I forgive you. I didn’t thank you for saving the life of that burned little boy who was clutched in the arms of a desperately lonely potter. Too many people died that day, you said as an excuse for saving me. Too many people died on Sailia too.

He stepped through the hatch and joined the crowded hallway to walk toward his apartment.


He entered and found Cherna in the kitchen.


Since I’m only working as administration, I have so much free time.

Sannaro turned her around, put his arms around her expanding waist and kissed her.


You know it’s for the best.



I know. Are we pulled out?



Houk. I sense so much sadness, but I also sense anticipation. Talk about work, I haven’t done my job as Assistant Senior Vizha'e and my Red Squadron has been leaderless for over a month.



Was your Saili squadron as good?



Not even close. If my Red Squadron fought like the Saili team I led they'd be in remedial training for over a month. I need to get changed.

He changed into his black and red insulated flight-suit.


See you in a little while, Cheri.

He walked out of their apartment.


His ears immediately began to itch so he stopped walking and turned around to see that Varanani was standing outside his door. He moved to her side.





All ready back to work?



I’m sure a month’s work is piled on my desk undone. Here I’m an adult with responsibilities, Vara.



You’re proud of that. I’m not here to chastise you about the life you prefer. I’m actually here to ask you-- How do you ask if I can, well, become Danu’s tasra?



First, I would approach Danu.

She lightly slapped his shoulder.


After that, silly!



Then Danu would have to apply to the council for permission to accept you as his tasra. They make a decision on it, then they announce it by picking up two red armbands. If they tie them together, you’re married. If they drop them- then it’s rejected.



Fa’arata, ka'iho.

Varanani pecked his cheek before she walked down the hall.


Sannaro touched his cheek and smiled before he moved on to the elevator.




When the elevator stopped at the Upper Flight Deck, he was greeted with grins and slaps on the back.


Zhuni waved a wrench at him from atop the nose of a Vizha'i.


Hey there, fly-boy! Long time since I saw you!



Too long, Zhuni.

He sensed she watched him walk on with her usual admiration of his body in her thoughts.


There you are!

Hadah met up with him, then did an about-face to grab his arm.


I’ve appreciated Cherna’s help with the reports, but she doesn’t know the job like you do and there’s a ton of backlog. Oh, that’s right- welcome home and I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your cousin.



Fa’arata, Hadah.

They entered the pilots’ lounge and bounded up the stairs.


Hadah gave his shoulder a pat before Sannaro went through his office door. He sat down and turned on his computer. His eyes widened as a window popped up and scrolled rapidly through a list of e-mail that were awaiting his attention in his mailbox.


Fausa, two-hundred fifty messages!

He opened the first one and began to read when his door swept open again.


Arcas walked in and sat himself on the corner of his desk.


Hey, chief, am I happy to see you.



So is everyone else.



Was it a nightmare down there?



You have no idea.



Wasn’t that the first Saili war ever?






And you were the only trained fighter? You’re a vet of a war no one else saw. Parik told me how hostile Elder Hiamovi was toward you and your uncle.

Sannaro put his head in his hands.


It was better to accept exile than to keep killing each other, Arc.



Fausa, it must have been bad.



Every war leaves its scars. I’ll be all right.



Well, I better leave you alone to catch up on your work. I’ll tell the team you’re back.



Sannaro was on to the thirteenth report when his door opened again and Danu flew over his desk. Sannaro leapt over the back of his chair and pressed himself against the wall.


Danu was towering over him with his face red.


She did it! Your sister came to me and, and, and, she asked me! Oh, ha'iko, she wants to be my tasra, San!

He hadn’t realized how tall Danu had grown in the last years. Now he was fully aware that his friend towered 6 ft. tall and was bent over him in unbridled glee.


I know. She admitted she loved you while we were still stuck on Sailia.



Oh, she loves me, she loves me! How is it like to, you know, make love to a Saili?

Sannaro’s eyes widened.


Nui, I didn’t mean that. Okay, what I mean is how is it like for us non-Saili to be in love with a Saili?



Ask Cherna? She’s the non-Saili.



If I touch Varanani’s ears will she react like you do?



Don’t you touch my ears!

Sannaro rushed out from under his childhood friend and stopped just before the door.


Oh fausa, I need to settle down!

Danu clutched his heaving chest.


I would say so.

Hadah rushed into Sannaro’s office and bumped Sannaro into his desk.


Sannaro steadied himself by putting his hands on the table top.


The emotions were now running too high for him to bear.


He hopped around Hadah into the hall.


Danu’s excited that my sister Varanani wants him to ask the council for their permission to tasra. Now Danu’s almost having a heart attack in my office!



Congratulations, Danu.

Sannaro felt an extreme pain stab through his head. He grabbed his ears.


Nui, too many minds!

He ran down the stairs.



Sannaro sprinted across the Upper Flight Deck.


He slid to a stop just as the elevator doors opened to allow two flight engineers off.


Sannaro’s mind burned with their puzzlement.


He covered his ears again and stumbled into the elevator.





Command, unclear. Restate command, please.



Loading bay.

The elevator began to move.


He groaned when the elevator stopped at the cafeteria and several people entered.


Yetin the glassblower stepped toward him.


What’s wrong, San?

Sannaro slid down to the floor in the corner of the elevator and cupped his ears.


Nui, I can’t stand any more!

Kiki reached for him.


You need to go to the hospital!

He slapped her hand away then leapt out of the elevator when it opened onto a General Quarters floor.


He ran down the busy halls full of people who were wondering why Sannaro seemed to have forgotten the Sound Disruption laws and was running the ship like he was insane.


Sannaro cried out, grabbed his ears and sprinted forward.


Protocol Enforcers, restrain Sannaro.




He came to a closed hatch, opened the seal and ran through.


Stevedores watched in puzzlement as Sannaro sprinted through the top floor of the Cargo bay.


He came to the access way between floors and slid down the banister to the next level.


Homeless Saili leapt out of his way as he ran on.


Now tears were flowing down his face and his ears were throbbing terribly.


Stop, stop it! Get out of my head!

He flew down another access way, then threw open the hatch to the vast loading bay where large cargo was brought onto the ship through a massive hatch three stories tall. There was nowhere else to go except to his death in space.


The ghostly form of Sikyatavo appeared before the wall.


Sannaro, go no further. It is not your time to return to the caldera of Misipatasutisga, my brave warrior.

He slammed into that thick hatch and slid down to the floor. A massive sob tore from his chest and he squeezed his ears until his vision swam.


Shut up, please be quiet! Please, be quiet.

He moaned as he curled up into a ball.


He heard footfalls echo through the room and blinked to see through his tears.


Zhad was standing over him with Kinetiko and Gavasno.


Make them be quiet!



Everyone’s emotions are overwhelming Sannaro’s incomplete mental shields. We have to help him before he goes insane.



Zhad, do you have ear shackles?



But those cause physical irritation to the wearer.



Blisters on his ears are better than being driven insane right now, Doctor.

Zhad brought his communicator to his lips.


Tila, medical emergency, bring a pair of ear shackles to the forward Loading Bay, stat.

Several minutes later, Sannaro heard quick footfalls of several people running, then shaking hands pulled his hair back and clicked the ear shackles into place.


Sannaro gave a shuddering sigh as merciful silence encompassed his mind.


What happened?






Sannaro’s mental shields are incomplete because he has never had any formal telepathic training. His abilities are mostly instinctive so with the anxiety of us banished Saili mixed with the normal emotions of the Astrisi, it was already straining Sannaro’s defenses. Even though Danu didn’t mean to push Sannaro beyond his endurance when he confronted Sannaro with his joyful news about Varanani’s proposal to him, Sannaro went into emotional overload. He was trying to get away from it, but no matter where he ran, more minds inundated Sannaro’s overloaded senses with their confusion over Sannaro’s unusual behavior so he kept going until he ran out of ship. If we hadn’t come to his aide, he would have ran out of sanity or launched himself out into space.



Iachi’awei Ushi! Why didn’t we foresee this sooner?



Even Saili can become distracted by too much work to do that they don’t recognize someone's overloading until they’re in crisis. We need to take Sannaro to the hospital so he can rest and recover.



You’re right, doctor.

Zhad reached out toward Sannaro.


Sannaro shied away from it for a minute, then reminded himself this was his foster father Zhad who had always helped him, so he reached and took Zhad’s offer to help him off the floor.


Sannaro leaned against Zhad as they walked to the nearest elevator. He was already so sleepy he could hardly stand.


He yelped when he felt Gavasno sweep him into his arms, but when he sensed he was safe he soon began to lose consciousness.




When Sannaro began to be aware of his surroundings again, he heard Danu’s upset voice in the room.


Fausa, and I call myself a doctor?

Sannaro looked over at where Zhad had his arm over Danu’s shoulders.


Houk, it is a joyous day for you to finally be told that the woman you care deeply about has professed her love for you and you wanted to share your joy with Sannaro. He shares your joy too, Danu, that’s why the emotions were too much for him. He feels his own joy as well as yours. I’m sure to a Saili you're overflowing with joy and it was too much of a sensory overload. Gavasno explained that since Sannaro's never had formal telepathic training, his instinctual shielding isn’t adequate to block out all the intense emotions everyone's feeling right now. Settle down and Sannaro will be able to share your happiness. It’s his sister who's admitted her love for you.



The fact that Sannaro made it this long in his life on instinct is a testament to his indomitable will. You’re awake, young man.

All three rushed to his side.


I’m sorry, San.

Sannaro pulled him down into a hug.


Nui, my friend, don’t apologize. I welcome you to my family.





We need Gavasno to tutor you more on your shields.



I would like that very much. There are so many telepathic minds here, I can’t take them all.



I mean no disrespect to what you've done for this boy, but now do you understand why Saili need to be raised by Saili? We have abilities you cannot begin to comprehend nor teach a child how to cope with.



I understand now.



But I can’t live with Saili, I'm too Astrisi.



I didn’t say we were going to take you away from the people you love, Sannaro. Where would I take you? I have no home. No, what I mean is, we Saili must teach you what you haven't learned about your telepathy before it becomes too much for you to endure.






Since we currently live with the Astrisi, we now have an excellent opportunity to give you the training you never received.



Danu, are you going to ask the Council for permission to take my sister as your tasra?



Ha'iko, houk, San! No one understood what I went through during the Zuran War like Varanani did. If I hadn’t had her, I don’t know how I would have gotten through.



Varanani admitted she had many times considered linking with you to better share her sympathy. That's a very intimate act equal to lovemaking among Saili. She has wanted you to be her mate for some time.

Danu’s smile lit his face like a high magnitude star in the blackness of space.


You don’t know how much that means to me!



Yes, I do. I may have ear shackles on my ears, but the look on your face says it all, my friend.



Even with telepathy, your face speaks eloquently of your personal fulfillment.

Gavasno stepped into the room and looked around.


Are you trying to overwhelm my student again? Everybody out now.



Wait, does anyone know if Sikyatavo is on the Kumani?



I don’t know. I can look on the roster to see where he is. Why do you ask?



Because when I entered the forward cargo bay, I saw Sikyatavo in front of the cargo hatch. He told me, go no further - it’s not time to return to the caldera of Misipatasutisga, my brave warrior. Then he seemed to disappear as soon as everyone came to help me.



By the Great Forger!



You may be more right than you realize. Kinetiko, how long ago did Sikyatavo join your staff?



A few weeks before the uprising. He transferred from Verano’s Rehabilitation Facility. He seemed quite a talented fellow for being so young.



It seemed that he always showed himself to me when I needed help. Then when I would look for him to ask him why, I never was able to find him.



It’s not your time to return to the caldera of Misipatasutisga. The Great Forger has his forge beside the caldera of Misipatasutisga. He’s said to choose the souls he wants to reincarnate from the lava pool of that caldera after he sculpts new bodies from the metals of Sailia.



So Sikyatavo is the Great Forger?



I’ve never heard of the Great Forger intervening with his children.



Neither have I, but this situation is unique and it sounds like he has plans for Sannaro. What is he planning?



He is the only trained warrior among the Saili. Maybe there’s something he has to do for the Saili?



How? We’re in exile.



Evolution. Hiamovi is trying to retard evolution. I’ve asked Verano many times, what if I’m meant to be what I am? He said I shouldn’t exist because I’m an abomination.



And that’s why the Great Forger has prevented Verano from killing you or changing you. But why does he need a warrior?



We can’t answer that question now, but I do know that my student needs rest before I begin his lessons. So I want everyone to clear the room.

Sannaro saw Zhad arch his eyebrows in amazement before they all went through the door and left Sannaro alone with Gavasno.


Our first lessons will have to be done under telepathic isolation so we can strengthen your shields before you are subjected to the rampant emotions in this fleet.

Sannaro nodded in relief.







Gavasno reluctantly agreed to let him go to Danu and Varanani’s Us’uata os Tasra that was being prepared, but Gavasno would be beside him the whole night if he showed signs that his control was slipping.


He felt kind of silly with Gavasno attached to one side with Cherna on his other side as he entered the cafeteria.


Are you sure you can handle this?



Our friend and my sister have become mates. I don’t want to miss this.

As he passed, each person smiled warmly at him. Sannaro stepped up onto the riser and faced everyone, including Danu and Varanani who were still flushed in new love.


Ka'iho si Ka'ina, fa’arata for your concerned thoughts. I'm dealing with a lot of new sensations lately and I'm getting better, but we’re not gathered together to worry about me. We're here to celebrate the joining of my dear friend and my much loved sister. I call Us’uata!




Kiki brought her band onto the riser and began to play festive music.


Some in the crowd began to dance while others made their way to the buffet tables.


I couldn’t have said that better, brother!



I was only voicing my joy for you. Now, it looks like Danu's in the mood for a dance. Go give him a night he won’t forget.

She winked at Sannaro, then sauntered toward Danu.


Oh her thoughts were naughty!




Sannaro wrapped his arms around Cherna’s waist and kissed her. He felt Gavasno heat up beside him.


He turned Gavasno’s way and wasn’t surprised to see that Gavasno’s face was orange.


For non-telepaths, the Astrisi have strong unbridled emotions.



It’s the festival. Astrisi do become a bit unbridled at parties.



Live hard, play hard, as we say.



It’s almost liberating. I am beginning to understand why Varanani has become attracted to your culture.

Eradano rushed into the room and stopped where they stood.


The whole fleet is breaking out into celebrations! The people down below are wanting to come up to be a part of the Astrisi’s celebration. I don’t know how long I can keep them calm!



Why keep them back? Let’s find Parik

and tell him what’s happening below decks.

Sannaro rushed through the crowd to home in on the Council Leader.


Parik, our Us’uata is causing the Saili to react!



Oh my, I didn’t think about that.



Eradano says he can’t keep them back, but why should he? Can’t we let them join us?



Why not? They have reason to celebrate too. One of their children is joined today and they're free from oppression.

Parik waded through to the riser, climbed up and raised his hands.


I have more good news. It seems our joy for the union of Danu and Varanani has effected the Saili! They are asking to become a part of our Us’uata! Celebrations are breaking out all over the fleet! Let us open our festival to the Saili on our ship!






Eradano, bring your people to join us in our joy!



Ho, we can’t fit that many people into this cafeteria! The Cargo Hold has much more room. Let’s take the Us’uata to them!

People grabbed up trays of food and moved toward the elevator as others broke down the tables and folded chairs.


Sannaro grabbed onto the end of a table and Gavasno took the front as Cherna grabbed a few chairs and followed them.


After a short while, the tables and food were set up again on a level of the cargo bay that was still largely unused.


Kiki’s band resumed playing and an incredible amount of people began to dance in a dazzling rainbow of pink, silver, silver-blue, red, shiny brown and gold faces of joy and laughter.


Sannaro grabbed Cherna up and twirled her around.


This is beautiful, Cherna! Both sides of me are celebrating as one! Chatisora!




Devasru, Tsekani and Vanrero put their arms around Sannaro and Cherna, then before they knew it, Danu, Varanani, Di'ok, Sha'ya, Zhad and Adara were all in the hug as well.


One family forever!



One family forever!

Much later, Sannaro was sitting with Di'ok as they drank Brudacha. The party was finally quieting as contented exhaustion overcame everyone.


I didn’t know your people could be so festive?



Me neither.



And I thought Cherna and your Us’uata os Tasra wouldn’t be forgotten? I think Varanani and Danu’s outdid yours by light years!



Let it be. Mine was a fight. Varanani’s was a celebration of unity between the Astrisi and Saili. I think I like hers better.

He raised his glass and saw that Gavasno was approaching him. He shook his head and set down his glass.


Looks like my teacher wants to put me to bed.



One day you’ll be okay, brother.



I’ll be okay, Di'ok.Sannaro

I’m ready, Gavasno.

Sannaro stood up to meet Gavasno.


You’re almost falling-down-drunk, Sannaro.



I don’t get this way very often. I think it’s more emotional euphoria than alcohol reaction.



No matter, it’s time for you to get some sleep. I noticed Cherna dropped out hours ago.

Sannaro moved with Gavasno to the elevator and entered.


She has forbidden herself to drink alcohol and pregnancy is wearing her out quicker than usual.



It’s a wise decision for Cherna to decide not to drink alcohol. Even pregnant Saili can have adverse effects when they drink alcohol during pregnancy.

The elevator opened and they walked to Sannaro’s door.


See you in the morning, teacher.

Sannaro entered his apartment. He immediately went to the bedroom and found Cherna curled up under the bed covers.


Sannaro undressed then climbed under the sheets. He kissed Cherna’s cheek before he nestled against her back and drifted off to sleep.




Eight months later, Sannaro held Cherna’s hand as another contraction wracked her swollen body.


Each contraction sent a wave of pain through Sannaro that reminded him of the gene therapy spasms he had felt months before. It was hard for him to face this pain, but he knew that as much as he wanted to turn away from this agony, Cherna couldn't so neither would he.


Sannaro sensed the baby’s mind searching anxiously for his. Something was going wrong with his world.


Sannaro linked with Andoku and sent him feelings of calm. Surprisingly, it also worked for Cherna who was tiring from the stresses inflicted on her body.


Sannaro thought back to when his foster sisters were born. He'd had to stay with Ba'ia to play with Di'ok and Cherna while Adara had delivered both times. He'd felt the pain that Adara had endured, but as a child, he had indulged in blocking it out.


Now it was his mate and he no longer chose the luxury of shielding himself from the birthing process.


You can do it, ko'ia. Andoku’s almost here.

Her pain-filled blue eyes looked up at him tenderly just before she closed them as another contraction hit her.


Don’t push yet, Andoku’s not quite in the birth canal.



But it’s so hard not to!



I know. I feel what you feel, ko'ia.

Sannaro brushed his hand through her pale sweat-soaked hair.


She cried out as another contraction came.


I, have, to, push!



Ko'ia, it’s all right. Not yet.

He sensed the baby slip into position.


Zhad, it’s time. Andu is in the birth canal and Cherna needs to push!

Zhad Aureliana and Kinetiko burst through the door.


Let me examine you.

Zhad pulled up the sheet as Cherna drew her legs up. He worked under the sheet for a minute before he pulled out.


You’re fully dilated. We’re moving you to the delivery room.

Belia, the senior nurse, entered soon after to release the brake on the bed and wheel her through the hall down to the delivery room.


Oh, blessed Firebird, I have to push!



You can push now, Cherna.

Sannaro sensed the baby’s concern about being squeezed into the small space.


He’s moving!



He’s doing fine, Sannaro. He’s healthy and strong.

Belia almost ran the bed down the hall and into the large room where they met Zhad and Tila who immediately took Cherna by her arms and legs and swung her onto a metal table. Tila guided Cherna’s feet into the stirrups.


Zhad, I see the head!



You can stop pushing now.

Sannaro bent down and hugged Cherna.


I’ve got the head.



He’s doing just fine, Cherna.



Ah, here he is. Welcome, Andoku.

Sannaro resisted the urge to rush back to Zhad, but he knew Kinetiko and Aureliana still had work to do on his son, his first son.


Suddenly, all the agony and fear he'd suffered to bring his family to this place dissolved from his mind as a bundle of shiny orange and black was pressed into his arms.


The tiny slanted eyes opened cautiously and Sannaro found his gaze locked into the midnight blue eyes that were studying him.


Sannaro opened up the blanket and looked upon his baby’s perfectly formed body.


The Madanaya were wrong, my baby did live!



He sure did.



Thank you, Great Forger.

Zhad hugged Sannaro fiercely with a care that he didn’t harm the baby.


Sannaro turned and placed Andoku on Cherna’s chest.


She wrapped her arms around her baby as Sannaro sat her up and laid her against his chest.


We did it, San.

Sannaro sensed her weariness, but allowed her to hold the baby they had fought so hard to keep.


After several minutes, Zhad took the baby out of Cherna's arms and handed him to Aureliana and then Zhad and Tila returned Cherna to her bed and took her back to their room.


Aureliana laid Andoku into Sannaro’s arms.


You are the first Saili man to witness a woman giving birth. It was a beautiful experience. Maybe we were wrong to leave you males out of the birthing process.

Sannaro beamed at the doctor before he nestled Andoku against his cheek.


Thank you, Dr. Aureliana.

Sannaro followed his foster father back to Cherna’s hospital room.


He sat down at Cherna’s bedside and held Andoku as he watched Cherna slip into a peaceful sleep.


The fight was ended and he was holding victory in his arms.


Once she was fully asleep, Sannaro slipped out of the room to go to the waiting room.


Spread out in the small room was Adara cradling Ahdri and Tanei against each shoulder.


Danu and Varanani were holding hands and whispering to each other.


Sha'ya was napping on Di'ok’s chest.


Devasru and Tsekani were in deep telepathic conversation.


Vanrero stood against the wall and studied one of the many wall murals.


As if Andoku insisted on having everyone’s attention, he let out with a tiny cry.


Everyone leapt from their chairs to crowd around Sannaro.


Sannaro grinned as he held Andoku up higher in the cradle of his arms for all to see.


Welcome, little one!



Oh, he’s so cute!




Varanani smiled and Danu hugged her shoulders.


Shouldn’t you be taking him to the nursery? He’s going to get cold.



I’ll be taking him back to his crib in Cherna’s room soon. I just wanted you to see him.

Devasru caressed the tiny fist.


Welcome, Andoku. I think he’s going to be a rose-gold color. It’s not unheard of in Saili/Humanoid hybrids.



A pink Saili, that should be a sight.



Oh Di'ok!

Sannaro walked back down the hall. He quietly reentered Cherna’s room and laid Andoku into his crib.


Belia entered behind him and began to work on the infant.


You might as well find something to do, Yaro. They’ll be asleep for several hours.

Di'ok leaned through the door.


San, a communication's come from the bridge. Lazha says a planet has been found that fulfills the Saili requirements for a colony planet.

Sannaro rushed out and joined Devasru. They rushed to the elevator together.


When the doors opened onto the command floor, they were met by Eradano. The three rushed down the stairs to Lazha’s side.


Class M planet with a red sun that has an oxygen rich verdant environment with moderate volcanic activity. It’s a nice healthy young planet just beyond Aquilani and the boundaries of the Terran Alliance. Initial scans show small animal life-forms with no advanced intelligence.



Two births in one day, Andoku’s and a new Saili colony.



Congratulations, Sannaro.



Congratulations to you, too.



You aren’t going.



It has been a joy to learn about the Saili, but I belong here.



That has been evident, but remember, you will always have a place with us in this colony. Already, among us, they are declaring you as their hero.

Sannaro blushed.


You’re still within the Kumani’s trade route so I imagine you’ll become one of our regular stops. We’ll be glad to bring you any supplies you need to build your colony.



I’ll expect you to visit too. This planet can sustain humanoid life as well as Gonkacha Saili.



We intend to have an open door policy towards Humans.



So Cherna and Danu can come to the colony too.



It sounds like you have a second home, San?



I guess I do.



What’s wrong?



I was an orphan that everyone rejected. Now, everyone wants me and likes me. It’s going to take some getting used to.

Devasru hugged Sannaro.


Welcome home, boy.



Thank you, Uncle.



You’re making me cry!



Days later, Sannaro was looking at his computer screen at the planet that was quickly transforming into a colony and thought how sad he felt that the Kumani was going to be leaving soon, but he was cheered that he knew it wouldn’t be the last time he'd see this planet or his Saili family.


He perked up when he heard the cry of his baby boy and heard Cherna shuffle to his crib

and pick him up.


You’re all ready hungry again, Andu?

Sannaro chuckled as he looked back at the computer screen. He bit his lip when he saw the view of New Sailia was becoming smaller. The Kumani was finally resuming their normal trade route and life as usual.


Cherna brushed her lips across his cheek before she curled into the chair, bared a breast, then settled Andoku against her.


Sannaro winced as he sensed the sharp pain of Andoku latching onto Cherna’s breast, but relaxed when Cherna laid back and smiled down at their son.


Things will be all right.



I’ve never seen you so content, Sannaro.

He laid back in his chair and wove his hands together behind his head.


I’ve never had so many reasons to feel content.



San, we have some trouble with Tisa’s Vizha'i again.






What's up?



Tisa’s Vizha'i is broken down again. Got to go requisition parts.



Go on.

Sannaro walked out of the apartment on his way back to work again.



What? I had him! How dare you go directly into helping him!



It wasn't any more than I did at Belvas. Now my warriors are beyond your control.



I still have control of the Humans!





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