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Sannaro peeked cautiously through the bathroom door.


It’s safe now, I sent them home.

Cherna giggled as she saw him trailing water from his clothes. She pushed him back into the bathroom.


Oh, go back in, Sanna, you’re indecent!

Sannaro looked down at his clinging clothes and noticed to his immense embarrassment that his pants were revealing a little too much of his residual emotions.


Oh, dear, it was too much for you.

She giggled and then kissed him.


I’ll relocate Altarian and cool you off real fast.

He pulled her close, then pressed himself against her.


You’re not going anywhere, woman. Who needs a bedroom?

Cherna laughed as she turned around and locked the door.


He pulled her back to the bathtub as he kissed her hungrily.


Set the temperature so I don't burn you.

She bent down to turn on the water.


Fausa, let's just do it here.

Once they were sated, Sannaro sat on the toilet and hugged her back.


I so needed that. I'm on such a roller coaster ride of emotions right now. I don't know how to begin to help Altarian with his emotions.



I know, lover. Take it one step at a time.



At least I now know his last name. I'll do a record search later when I can get to a computer to find his past.



Now, you're exhausted and just newly healed. You need to sleep.



Altarian is in our bed.



Oh well, there's always the couch. My clothes are mostly dry. I'll go get you more decent clothes and let's get some sleep.

Sannaro nodded.


Cherna dressed then stepped out for a minute. She returned with a stack of clothes.


Sannaro dressed and went out to the couch to lay down.


Cherna spooned against him and kissed his arm he laid under her head before she nestled in.


Sannaro kissed the back of her head then settled into a more comfortable position and surrendered to sleep.




Altarian woke up and realized that it was very quiet.


He stood up and walked out. He jumped when he saw Sannaro and Cherna sleeping on the couch. Sannaro was under Cherna.


Altarian went into the kitchen.


Look at this mess, oh well, I’ll clean it up.

Ambrika hung her arms around Altarian.


Hi Altarian.

Altarian startled.


Oh, hi, Ambri, how are you?



Fine, fine.

She looked at her parents.


Gosh, look at them. Now, that’s love. I hope someday I’ll be the one laying there with my tasra.



Oh, Ambri, you aren’t even at the age of going to the Us’uata os Tasra. Why are you thinking about becoming tasra now and with me for that matter! You don’t even know me that well, you don’t even know anything about me or what I’ve been through or what I’m like. I don’t mean to be rude, but slow down girl. You don’t know what I act like or if I’m even safe to be with. For all you know, I could be a mad man or very sexually active, a rapist. Look, you are a nice person and all, but what if in the near future, we become tasra and then I beat you or you don’t like me? What will you do then? Please, I know you’re excited about marriage, but I think you should enjoy your childhood before you move into a deeper stage. Okay, Ambri?



You don’t love me?!



I just think we should take time and just be friends for now.



Oh, I hate you!

Ambrika stormed to her room.


Sannaro leaned against the door frame.


Thank you, Altarian. She’s never had her innocence stripped from her like you have. Or, even me. You did the right thing.



Then why do I feel so bad?



You don’t want to hurt her feelings, but it was something she needed to hear.



I know, I know, but, the truth is, I like her too. I just don’t wish to hurt her if she finds out what I am or can be or what’s happened to me for that matter.



I once freed an Adharan Abroc from slavery to pirates and he had some horror stories to tell. He was only there for about a year. I can’t imagine what you’ve seen and I don’t know if I would want to. I can’t believe she didn’t telepathically pick up what Zhuni was thinking. I saw Andoku blushing too. You didn’t see that he slipped into this room too while Zhuni was telecasting her erotic thoughts.



Oh, she heard, I could feel her mind, but she was furious that Zhuni was talking about me. You know, Sannaro, I’m not worried about the pirates, I’m worried about something that happened to me while I was a slave and I don’t want her to be hurt by it. And someday, Sannaro, I’ll tell you all what I’ve been through because you need to hear it, that is, if you still want to keep me in your house.



I’ll leave it up to you about when you want to confide with me. I don’t want you to leave. I’ve had some terrible things happen to me, too. Maybe someday I’ll tell you my horrors too.



Well, let me at least tell you this. When you said I lost my innocence, well, you don’t know how much. See, I’m worried about Ambrika because I don’t want her to go through what happened to me. It happened when the pirates were celebrating and a girl pirate named Nafartoria, she was dead drunk. And she came to me and well, had a - sexual intercourse with me- completely against my will. But, I’ll tell you, she made some of those burns break open and I hurt for a while. You’re the first one to hear that, and I don’t wish for anything like that to come unto Ambri. The truth is, you can’t trust me, not when it comes to something like that. My mind is scared from that and to her, it might be a nice feeling, with a tasra, but, for me, it’s a living nightmare. And I don’t know how I’ll act towards her if we ever become tasra.



Wow, that’s a very scary confession.



Plus, ever since I’ve felt very complete with a girl, something awful happens. Either I do it or someone else does. It’s not nice and I wish only the best for your hala. I don’t know what she sees in me, but I want her to know the precautions first.



You need time to heal; emotionally as well as physically. It took me almost fifteen years to heal my own inner wounds and sometimes they reopen when I least expect it. They sometimes feel as painful as the day they happened.

Cherna peeked around the corner.


Let's have some dinner.



That’s the sweetest sound I’ve heard all day. Thank you, Chali. Please, sometime, tell Cherna and then move to the rest.

They all crowded around the table to find their seats.


Ambrika looked at Altarian and he saw that she had been crying for a long time.


Are you feeling better, Ambri?



Oh, Altar, I can’t stay mad at you. I’m fine and I do understand. Thank you for helping me realize that it’s better to take my time.

They ate dinner quietly and then they peaceably retired to their rooms.


Altarian approached Sannaro and hugged him briefly.


Thanks, goodnight.



Goodnight, kid.

Everyone went to their rooms.


Two hours later, after Sannaro knew Cherna was firmly asleep, he slipped out of bed and turned on the computer in their room.


He went onto the intergalactic internet and entered into the archives on Sailia. He entered Daniakaya into the search engine and pressed enter.


Cherna rolled over in bed.


He entered her mind and guided her into a deeper sleep again.


The search engine finished and came up with a match.


Daniakaya was listed as missing at twenty-two Saili standard years old! The date of the record was eleven years before the Zuran war!


He switched over to her family’s records.


Altarian’s grandparents were still live, but they were conservatives still on Sailia.


Oh, crap. All Gonkacha are banished from Sailia! He's got no one who will claim him.

He heaved a big sigh, turned off the computer and returned to bed.




Through the haze of sleep, Sannaro heard a knock on their bedroom door. He opened his eyes and sat up.


Cherna stirred beside him and opened her eyes.


Breakfast time, come and get it while it’s hot!

Sannaro chuckled as he stood up and grabbed a pair of shorts.


He’s consistent.

Cherna grinned as she got dressed.


Altarian got Andoku and Ambrika up. He walked to the stove and brought the food to the already set table.


Andoku moaned and took a seat.


Why do you always try to show me up, huh, Altar?



I don’t try to, I just always wanted to cook before.



You know that that’s a sissy trait?

Altarian turned to face Andoku, giving him a stern look.


I know, that’s what I like most about it, because, someday, I would like to please my tasra and besides, it’s fun. I’m proud of this talent and I like doing this.



Oh! Andoku was scared out of his pants!



Was not! Mom, she’s teasing me again!



Big boys don’t whine!



Do you want cheese and crackers with that whine?






Never mind.



Well, what ever it meant, I don’t like it. Altarian, I thought you were on my side.



Only sometimes Andu, but this is too much fun. You are an airhead, dork, dummy, sopa, potato, loser, idiot, psychopath, invalid, duh, luyaki, chump, chimp, dog poop, garbage, pathetic, limp noodle, raw, screw ball, dump, narcotic, egotistical, evil, sock puppet, Lilly-lover, scum, incorrect, mixed-up, mother goose, gummy, software, innocent, guilty, at the bottom, midget, science fiction, and further more, a new big brother that I am glad to have for a long time.



Was that intentional? Do you want me to take you to the mat?



Oh, and weak! I’m only pulling your leg.



No you’re not, or I would have known that!



It’s an expression that danunka say. Now, where are Sannaro and Cherna?



I think they ignored us and besides, they all ready have their breakfast, if you know what I mean.



Should I go check? Guys, are you coming to eat or should we eat without you?



We’re coming.

Sannaro and Cherna walked through the door with their flight suits on.


They sat and ate their breakfast.


As everyone was getting ready for work or school, Altarian went up to Sannaro.


I want to start school. I’m tired of being cooped up in here and I don’t think you’d want me browsing around the Kumani again.



Oh, no, I don’t want Metei to be running all over the Upper Flight Deck. I’ll call Vi'asa to give you a proficiency test so we can learn how much you know.



Ha'iko! When can I take this test and when will I get to go to school, so I don’t have to be bored here? I can’t clean forever, that would be no fun at all.



Does that mean he gets to go to baby school or will he be of a higher learning level than me?

Ambrika rolled her eyes at her brother.


Everyone has a higher learning level then you, Andu.



Take that back!

Andoku pulled her hair.


Stop! Yaro, make him stop!



When you stop insulting your brother. If you get a sound disruption, I’m taking it out of your allowance.



Okay, I’m sorry Andoku.

Andoku laughed and let go of her hair.


You say that to your mother, boy, she’ll have you eating practice mat before breakfast.



Too late, I all ready did! Come here Andoku, I think I’ll have to excuse you from school for a while.



I didn’t mean that to you mother, just to her. Honestly, you’re much stronger, prettier, and- and, you aren’t weaker.



If you don’t believe me, ask your father. He’s had his share of fights, especially with me.



Oh, yeah, I have.



If you don’t want to go to the mat, then you’ll clean your room, and the rest of the house for a week, got it?



So, when do I get to do this test? I want to go to school as soon as I can. I haven’t been in it since I was five or six years old.



I’ll call Vi'asa now and set up the time.



Thank you, I’ll wait here until you tell me.



Vi'asa, it’s San. I’ve got another student for you to test. He’s really eager, could you test him today? This afternoon at 1300? I’ll bring him. Fa’arata. Kohura.

Altarian jumped up and hugged Sannaro, almost knocking him off his feet.


This is so cool, I get to go to school soon.



I’m glad you’re pleased. I’ll be back at 1250 to take you to the school.

Sannaro left for work.




Altarian looked at the clock, it read 1240. He jumped up and went to get ready. He sat back down in the living room and waited for Sannaro.


Sannaro entered the apartment.


You ready?



More than all ever be.

Altarian jumped up and rushed out the door.


Sannaro followed.


He led Altarian aft-ward until they came to a hatch and walked through the opening door. They turned right, then went down the hall a few doors.


Sannaro entered the room where a woman with graying brown hair who wore a simple green dress stood up to meet them.


Ki'iwa, San, it’s been a long time. Is this my new student?



Houk, his name is Altarian. He needs a general proficiency test so we can know how much he knows.



Ki'iwa’alani, Altarian. You may sit at any desk and we can begin. San, you can have a seat outside or you can grab any desk.




Sannaro took a seat at the back of the classroom.


Altarian looked at the screen and began his test.


When he finished, he pulled back his chair and felt confident with himself.


Vi'asa, when will I know the results and when can I start school?



If you give me a few minutes, I’ll go over it right now and I can tell you the results.



Okay, well, when do I get to go to school?



Let me look over your results first and I’ll be able to tell you.

She chuckled, then called up the test on her computer.


Several minutes later, she stood up and approached Altarian.


Sannaro stood up and joined them.


Well, I’ve looked it over and you’ve passed the test in a graduate level so you don’t need anymore basic schooling. As for the Astrisi language. Has he been speaking Astrisi since he’s got here, San?



I haven’t heard one word of Basic since we left the pirate ship!



That’s incredible. So then, now all we have to find is someone who will take you into advanced training, Altarian.



I am skilled at many things like, fixing things, communicating, doctoring, and fighting, but the thing I’d love to do the most is be a fighter pilot, but that’s really hard to be. I don’t think I’ll get that though.



Uh, well, I guess I can give you some hand-eye coordination tests and let you try a run in a simulator, but I have to warn you, as the Senior Vizha'e, if I don’t think you can take the training, I have to reject your request.



Oh, thank you, I’ll try very hard. When can we start?



I guess I can take you up there now and let you take a simulator run.



Well, let’s go.

Altarian grabbed Sannaro’s arm and dragged him out of the classroom. Sannaro called behind him as he was pulled through the door.


Kohura, Vi'asa!



Kohura, San.



To the nearest elevator, Altar, or let me lead.



Sure thing, ya.

Altarian pulled Sannaro to the nearest elevator.


We’re going to get the Protocol Enforcers on our tail if we don’t slow down.

When it came, they stepped in.


Upper Flight Deck.

The doors opened a minute later on the Upper Flight Deck.




They turned left and walked past the rows of Vizha'i until they came to the Pilots’ lounge.


Metei caught up with them.


What did the kid do now?



Nothing, Metei. He’s just in love with fighter ships and I wanted to see how he did in a sim.



You’re not thinking of taking him as an apprentice, are you?



If he has the skills, I won’t deny him the chance. I know he annoyed you by slipping up here without permission, but is that any different than any other Astrisi child who dreams of flying Vizha'i?



Nui, you’ve got a point there. You’re the Senior Vizha'e. It’s your business.



Houk, it is.

Sannaro patted Metei’s shoulder.






Sannaro and Altarian climbed the stairs.


Let’s duck into my office so I can get my helmet for you to wear.

They entered his office, then Sannaro snatched his black and red helmet from a locker beside the door.


They went farther down the hall and took a right.


Sannaro opened up a slender door that led into a small room. Sannaro handed Altarian the helmet.


Put this on.

Sannaro bent down and expanded the seat as if he were adjusting the flight couch for himself.


Altarian sat in the sim and waited for it to turn on.


When it turned on, Altarian found himself in space, alone, with a bunch of pirates getting ready to attack the Kumani.


He studied the way they were approaching, targeted on and fired.


It hit him in the wing and the pilot wobbled as did Altarian.


The rest of them went to help their buddy, Altarian fired at the wobbling ship and it exploded and took another ship with him.


He looked at the right of him and found a wing mate.


This is yellow six, I’ll be here if you need me, call me, yellow six out.



Roger that yellow six, if you need anything just call on me, yellow five over.

Altarian’s ship wobbled a bit and he rushed to take control. He watched as the left ship took out a pirate. He targeted one that was tailing him and fired, sending it into a spark of flames.


Help, yellow six, I’m targeted, get him off me.



Houk, I’m going to take the tailer off yellow five.

He wheeled his Vizha'i, a little too fast, at the rear of yellow five’s ship and then steadied his laser to target the pirate. He fired and hit the pirate ship and it exploded.

YELLOW 5 (v.o.)

Thanks yellow six, over.

Suddenly, Altarian saw that a pirate was trying to target him. He tried to maneuver his Vizha'i to lose the pirate, but the pirate was to swift for him.


Yellow five, this is yellow six, I need back up, get this pirate off my tail, over and out.

Yellow five came up and blasted the pirate.


Thanks yellow five.

Altarian latched on to the controls and went to chase after a pirate and to target him, but a pirate came up to his side where he couldn’t see, and shot, blowing Altarian’s ship.


Altarian took off the helmet and walked over to Sannaro.


How did I do?



Well, you overcompensated several times, but that assist on Yellow five was pretty good. For your first time, I think you’re surprisingly good. How do you know the control board so well?



Well, while I was on the Intoku, I made a friend there that was a new color and he showed me his Vizha'i and told me what all the controls were and what they did. Also, one night, we kind of snuck into the sim and he taught a few things, but I crashed into a ship there. I promise I won’t sneak into here, I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself then, but now I will.



You better because if I’m going to be your Senior, I can’t show you favor.



Ha'iko! You mean that you’re going to train me?!



You’re going to join Lazha’s beginning class tomorrow.




Altarian jumped and hugged Sannaro.


I can’t wait to tell Ambrika and Andoku! When will they be home again?



They’ll be home around 1700. Andu likes to work beside his Oaki'chali and doesn’t always notice the time, but Ambri should be home on time.



Thanks, Ya, bye.

Altarian left the flight offices.




Altarian turned on the music on the stereo in the living room and went to cook dinner. He planned to cook a big dinner, to kind of celebrate.


He gathered stuff in order to make this, he was going to use a mixture of vegetables, meats, and maybe fruits.


It took him until 1600 to finally finish it. It smelled good and it looked good.


I hope that they like it, I’ve worked so hard on it, he thought as he set the table.


He sat down and read a story that he downloaded a long time ago from the Intergalactic Web.


The door opened and Ambrika walked in. She walked to the kitchen and opened the pot to smell the food better.


Hmm, what is that delicious smell, Altarian?



Food, I can’t remember what you guys call it but it’s good.


Why did you make this?



Do you not like it?



It’s not that, it’s just, Nahami is for something that is special. What are you not telling me?



Well, about school, I was proficient in a graduate level and Sannaro and I were looking for someone to train me and, well, he took me to a sim and I passed and I start school with Lazha tomorrow.



Wow, you impressed my Yaro? People say he’s the toughest Senior Vizha'e the Kumani’s ever had.



Really?! I don’t think I impressed him that much. He has probably seen better kids in action than me. But, I thought I did a good job. Last time, I crashed into my friends ship. That’s wasn’t very good. We both jumped.



Well, he’s not going to give you to the former commander unless you did something right!



Like what?

Altarian came over and put his hand on her shoulder.


She shrugged his hand off.

Sannaro walked into the apartment.


Well, you did manage to vape a few before you were vaped. I’ve had first timers vomit on my control boards before. You only wobbled and ran into another ship.



They’re pirate scum, they don’t deserve my vomit. The only way I was afraid was because I was the one fighting them, not the one being torched by them on their mother ship. Once you’ve been there, you want to do all you can to destroy all of them. As for the vaporizing, the ship hit me on my bad side when it came to sight.



It’s called coming in on the blind spot. I’ve done that maneuver a few times in battle and sheered the opponent’s wing off. It’s pretty effective.



Well, I hope my blast destroyed him too, now that would’ve be a pretty sight. I hope he was vaped with me and then, I hope that they all turned tail in fear.



That’s the fighting spirit.

Andoku entered the apartment.


What is, did I miss anything?

Ambrika waved her hand over her head.


Way over bro, and you don’t have to know.



Well, Am-brik-a, I’m sure that Altarian will tell me.



Ya, he’s calling me a brick again!



So? You implied that he was dense. What comes around; goes around.



A brick is dense, so I guess you both got caught with that one. Sannaro, here, is letting me train with Lazha on how to become a fighter pilot. Cool, huh?



Houk, but how did you convince Ya to let you?



Ya saw some good basic maneuvers.

Ambrika lightly hit Altarian on the shoulder.


Why did you say that I was dense?



So, you admit that you’re a brick?



No, I don’t, I was just wondering why he said I'm dense.



No, he said that a brick was dense, but, I agree whole-heartedly with you, that you are a brick.



Enough! You are getting me a headache!

They both quieted and gaped at him.


Andoku put his hand on Altarian’s forehead to check his temperature.


Altarian, are you all right?



Nui, I am getting a splitting headache and your fighting is not improving it.

Cherna walked in and nudged Sannaro.


So, why is everyone just standing there looking at Altarian?



Just another headache. I’m going to get another Catowsh, it might also relieve the pain all around me. Dinner is ready, it took me about two hours, I don’t know what you call it but, I think that you’ll like it.



It's Nahami.



Oh, I like Nahami.



I’m getting spoiled. I don’t have to cook. I don’t have to clean.



That means I don’t have to clean for this week.



You wish. It still stands, boy.



Besides, tomorrow, I’m going to school with Lazha.



You’ve chosen him for flight school?



He was good enough in a sim and he has a good fighting spirit. We’ll see what Lazha thinks about him.



Dinner’s getting cold.

Cherna chuckled and walked to the dinning room.


Sannaro moved to the dinning room table.


They ate dinner and Altarian collected the plates.


Well, how was it?



Pretty good!



So, now that Andoku gets to clean, do you still want me to cook?



Let’s rotate duties.



Me too? There are much better cooks than me.



Why me?! I didn’t do anything.



You haven’t done anything? Well, let’s see. You’ve called Andoku a dog, dunce, dense; you stroked Altarian’s ear; made suggestive comments to your ki'ya and you say you haven’t done anything?




Nothing too serious, Ya.



Stroked Altarian’s ear? If you do that again, I’m going to give you a good thrashing on the mats, young lady. You’re way too young to telepathically link with a boy!



Well, you and Ya did it and you were about four or five and then you kept doing stuff like that since.



We didn’t know that we did it. But never, never did she stroke my ear until we were acknowledged as tasra.



Nui, you were waiting for judgment. Besides, I’m not doing that much harm to Altarian or me.



We made a marriage link just by holding hands! A much more intimate act like stroking a Saili’s ear is a forceful entry into someone else’s mind!

Altarian and Andoku looked at each other and backed away.


Look, we’ll just go to our room, good luck Ambri.



She’ll need it. You’ve been doing some very mature acts without knowing what you’re doing. Just because I didn’t know my Saili physiology back when I first came to the Astrisi isn’t an excuse for you to behave the same way!

Ambrika shivered and stepped back.


I think Altarian and Andoku’s idea is a good one, so I’m going to my room and leaving you to cool down, okay, Ya?



You better think long and hard about what I just said. I’ll let you go this time, but if you continue this seductive behavior, I will take you to the mat. Is that clear?




Ambrika left to her room.


Once her door closed, the tension in the room eased.


Man, I thought it would never end.



Why is Ambri going after you like this?



I have no idea, but I don’t like it either. Unlike her, I would like to keep things to myself and wait until I’m much older.



Do you think Ya would know why Ambri’s doing this?



I don’t know, and I don’t think it’s wise to approach Sannaro at this moment.



Is it safe to come out? Is the war over, or do we still need to seek shelter?



It’s over. She’s in her room thinking about my lecture.



Andu, don’t ask him.



Why is Ambri doing this to Altar?



Possibly because he is the first Saili she has seen who isn’t a direct relative.



Oh, I’m glad that I’m related, I don’t want to be in your predicament.



I wish I wasn’t in this either. I don’t wish to hurt her, but if this keeps up, then I might have to.



I hope you don’t have to. I don’t really want my girl hurt, but she’s asking for it.



I really do care for her, but she should wait before she makes a big decision. It’s for her own good. I can be pretty bad and I’m not nice to most people. See, if she moves too fast, I could lose myself and then I could hurt her permanently. I don’t want that.



And you don’t want to square off with me on the mat, either. I’m the second best martial arts master to Edat on this ship.



I know, I know, but, I won’t think of hurting her in any way, at least, I’ll try not to. I’m going to go study now.



Oh, lighten up, San, you don’t have to show us you’re the fiercest warrior on the Kumani.

Altarian sat at the computer in Andoku's room and swiped off the tears running down his cheeks.


I’m becoming a pest. I’ve corrupted the entire family. What am I going to do now?

Altarian laid down his head and continued to cry himself to sleep.


Andoku jostled Altarian awake.


Altarian? Altarian!



Huh, Andu, what are you doing?



Yaro wants to talk to you.



Uh oh, I hope that’s a good thing.

Altarian looked at the clock that read, 0830.


Oh, I’ve slept all night on that desk. No wonder why my back and neck feel sore.

Altarian walked into the living room where Sannaro was waiting for him on the couch. He wiped his red, puffy eyes and sticky cheeks then sat next to Sannaro.


Good morning, Ya. How’d you sleep?



You look awful.



Let’s just say I got in a fight with the desk and my spirit and they won. Andu said you wanted to talk to me?



What’s happening isn’t your fault. When a foster child comes in to an established family, everyone has to go through a lot of adjustment. Each person reacts in a different way. Ambrika is overreacting to your addition to our family. She’s feeling things she hasn’t felt before and she’s letting them rule her developing relationship with you as a new family member, but she’s aware that you aren’t blood-related.



But, if it wasn’t for me, then you wouldn’t be going through this chaos. It’s just not fair, all I ask for is a roof over my head, clothes on my skin, and maybe, food in my stomach. I don’t want to become a problem.



I experienced similar chaos when Adara first brought me to the Kumani. Would you believe that Ku'an threatened to jettison me out the airlock and Filp, the former Senior Vizha'e was going to dump me back in my town untreated? Then when Ba'ia, Cherna’s mother, baby-sat me so Zhad and Adara could ask the council to become tasra, Ku'an almost took Ba'ia to the mats for watching me. Then, when I was taken to my Uncle Devasru, he and I fought constantly, my cousin Briarko tried to fight me, too. So you see, chaos is a part of the adjustment.



Well, is there anything else that you need to tell me?



I wanted to tell you that Lazha is a tough teacher, but I assure you, if you study hard, she’ll be your best trainer.



What do I wear to her class?



You’ll wear normal clothes. Once you start, Lazha will issue a solid black flight-suit to you that you’ll wear to class from then on.



Well, I’m ready, are we going?



Do you have any more clothes? Aren’t those the clothes you wore yesterday?



Yes they are, I’ve been borrowing from Andoku, but, don’t tell him that. Other than that, I have no more.



We’ll have to visit Tekla and have you measured so she can make you more clothes and you won’t have to borrow from Andoku.



Once Andu leaves, do you want me to change?



You can change in the bathroom.

Altarian rushed into the room, grabbed a new pair of clothes and went to the bathroom. Once he was dressed, he came out.


Are we ready now?

They walked out of the apartment to go to the Upper Flight Deck.




Sannaro stepped into the classroom and waved for Lazha to come to him.


She wheeled over to him and they went out into the hall.


Lazha, I have a new student for you.

Sannaro pointed to Altarian.


So you’ve chosen to take him into the pilots’ corps? At this rate, were going to have a whole defense force of Saili.



I promise that I’ll try hard to please you.



It won’t be easy. If you try your best, you just might pass my course. but if you do get your near-color, Sannaro is a much tougher teacher than I.



I don’t know, I think you could wipe his socks off more than he can. You can frighten even him, I heard.



That just makes us both dangerous to uninitiated no-colors.



Can I go to class now?



Sure, I’ve taken too much time out here.

She wheeled herself around and reentered the classroom.


Sannaro gave Altarian a little salute before he went to his own office.


Altarian sighed and entered the classroom.






All the students raised their heads as he walked to an empty desk. He looked at another’s screen and put his screen on to that lesson.


Class, we have a new student named Altarian. He’s Senior Vizha'e Sannaro’s ward. I want to give you one word of warning, if any of you give Altarian a hard time while you’re in my class, I’ll have Sannaro give you your disciplining.

Altarian put his head down, letting his hair cover his face and he started on working on the lesson.


Altarian, on your screen is a schematic of the Vizha'i control board. The next page is the schematic of a shuttle’s control board, then the next is the Kumani’s control board. I’ll give you two days to study these panels before I give you a test on them. You’ll have to memorize the function of each control.

Finally, class ended, and Altarian followed the rest to the cafeteria. He got his food and found an empty table and sat down. While he ate, he pulled out his reader and buried his face in the schematic pages.


A boy sat down across from him.


Aren’t you Sannaro’s new kid? Oh, yeah, my name is Bri'ak. My Yaro is your, uh, Yaro’s, I guess, Green Team-leader fighter pilot Arcas.



Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, I’m Altarian Daniakayateyak, uh, you can call me Altar.



Okay, Altar. My Yaro, Arcas, has been Sannaro’s wing-man even before I was born. He always says great things about him so I thought I would say hi.

Altarian smiled and turned off his reader.


So sit down a while. What are you training for? I’m under Lazha for fighter piloting.



I help my chali, Iara paint murals on the walls. It’s really fun.



You do that?! That’s beautiful, I’ve always wondered who did that! You must really impress your parents and siblings.



I just have one stupid little sister Edrea. She’s a big pain in the butt. She wants to be a fighter pilot like Yaro and I hope she gets vaped on her first flight.



Well, don’t you like her? I would be glad to see my siblings again, but they died in a fire because of an attack on our planet.



Just like Sannaro? Do all you Saili have terrible pasts? When we took all those Saili that were kicked off Sailia to their new planet, those guys were full of terrible stories.



No, not all of us, just most. I was on a different planet than Sailia or New Sailia, but, I would rather not talk about it.






Well, what about you? How’s your life treated you?



My life has been totally boring.



Wonderfully boring, I wish I could trade my life with yours. I would be happy to carry on your life.



Well, how about if my life were a little more interesting and your life was a little more boring?



Kids, always trying to make the best out of these situations.



Yeah, sure.



Oh, I’m sorry, it’s hard trying to act younger than I really am.



So how old are you?



Fifteen, why?



So how is it hard to try to act younger than you are?



Well, I have to try to act like I’m fifteen.



How else do you act?

Andoku sat down next to Altarian.


He’s sometimes acts like he’s as old as my Yaro. I guess that comes with being in his situation.



Ki'iwa, Andu. So what situation is he in?



Well, he’s been on Intoku and taken off his planet and then a slave to pirates for, I guess, two years.



Thank you for doing that Andu!



Wow, I guess it would make him sound more adult. My Yaro told me he sure grew up fast during the Zuran War.

Altarian stood up, took his tray up and then came back.


So where do we go to now?



Ya told me to tell you to go to the Gym so that Edat can test you in your Self Defense proficiency.



Oh nui, I’m going to get my butt kicked. See you guys later.

Altarian walked to the gym.




He entered the gym and saw both Edat and Sannaro waiting for him.


Ki'iwa’alani, Edat, Sannaro.



Ki'iwa, Altarian, Sannaro tells me you need to be tested in physical combat.

Sannaro handed Altarian a stack of clothes.


Altar, Go get changed and then meet us here.

Altarian walked over to the locker rooms. He opened a locker and pulled out a gym suit. He stripped and put on the white suit and went back to join Sannaro and Edat.


I’m ready, so, what exactly are we going to do?



You’re going to do an H-formation kata, okay?



Um, I can’t really fight by myself. I kind of have a hard time with that.



Oh, well, in that case, we’ll be doing a little bit of a sparring, but, you know that you’ll have to learn how to do a kata someday, okay?

Edat got in the fighting stance.


Altarian got into the stance too.



They paced around in a circle for a while.


Edat stopped and then punched.


Altarian blocked the first and the second, but, the third hit him in his ribs and knocked the air out of him. He stumbled a few steps and steadied himself.


Altarian punched towards the stomach, kicked to the chest and tried every move he knew.


Edat blocked without breaking a sweat.


They paced around in the opposite direction for awhile, each adjusting for the next attack.


Edat caught Altarian by surprise and kicked out for Altarian’s legs.


Altarian saw it just in time to jump up.


Edat’s leg hit his right and Altarian almost fell. He caught himself just as Edat’s fist gave him a blow to his shoulder.


He jumped and kicked out trying to catch Edat’s hips.


Edat tried to shift his hips, but Altarian’s foot hit him.


Lucky shot, kid, but you’ll have to do better to catch me off guard.

They started pacing again.


Edat kicked toward his midriff.


Altarian grabbed his leg with his fist and punched Edat in the jaw.


Edat rotated and kicked Altarian in the jaw and sent him crashing down onto the floor.


Altarian got up, wiped the small trickle of blood from his lip and landed a punch directly towards Edat’s midriff.


Edat took his fist and stopped Altarian’s punch and then flipped Altarian on the ground.


Altarian struggled, but got back up and they started pacing again.


Ready to quit yet, kid?

Altarian shook his head and threw his leg out towards Edat’s side.


Edat swerved, but Altarian was ready and hit Edat on the other side with his fist.


Oh, good move, kid!

Next, Altarian thrust his leg at Edat stomach again, but Edat caught it and used his leg to trip Altarian.


Altarian jumped up, yanked his foot out of the hold and flipped away from Edat. He stood there gasping and sweating, but he was ready again.


Edat stood up and walked to Sannaro.


I think that that’s enough. Let me talk to Sannaro real quick while you get changed and will tell you your outcome.

Altarian bowed in respect and walked to the locker room.


Edat moved up to Sannaro.


He had some good moves mostly of Tai kwon do style and street fighting.



I saw. He had a few surprises.



I think I’ll award him a yellow belt, then I’ll give him private lessons like I did for you.



Fa’arata, Edat.

Altarian came back into the gym.


So, how did I do?



You’ve got a yellow belt and personal instruction with Edat.



Is that a good thing?



Yeah, it’s a good thing! You’re not a beginner.



Okay, I guess that’s good. So, when do I start my practicing?



Tomorrow, now go visit Zhad to get some relief.

Sannaro and Altarian left the gym.




They waited for Zhad to be done with his other patient.


So, what happened here?

He handed Altarian some Cerlacticine saturated gauze to blot his blood.


Edat gave Altarian his first self-defense test.



Oh, I see. Let’s go to an examination room so I can learn the extent of damage to his jaw, then he’s definitely entitled to Relief Special; the rubdown, bath and Catowsh.



Oh, I think that I’ll like that very much.

Altarian sat on an examination table and let Zhad tamper with his sore body. He flinched when Zhad touched the tender spot on his jaw.


Hmm, well, it looks like Altarian bit a blood vessel open, he also has a bruise on his jaw. Everywhere else is bruised, but other than that, I think this kid survived this test better than some of the other kids I’ve seen. You’re one lucky kid.



Well, I guess it’s all right. What do I do to heal this?

Zhad took out a cell rejuvenator.


Okay, open your mouth wide, Altarian.

Altarian opened up and Zhad waved it over the injury.


There, it’s all healed. Now, follow me and we’ll finish your treatment.


Ki'iwa, Altar, San, how was your day?






Is anything cooked or do I have to do the cooking tonight?




Altarian slumped his shoulders and started trudging wearily into the kitchen.


We could always go to the cafeteria and eat tonight.




Altarian skipped to the door.


Andu, Ambri, we’re going to the cafeteria to eat, come on.

They walked into the dinner line and Altarian looked up at Sannaro.


What do they make here?



Anything, I suppose. I don’t really pay attention.



Do you guys have Nesrak?



Sure, do you want some?






Ew, I hate Nesrak!



Well no one said you had to like it!



That sounds good, Altarian. I think I’ll have some too.

They ordered their food and sat down.


Altarian couldn’t wait to have his delicious dinner while Sannaro eyed the Nesrak in disgust.


Do you have a problem? Don’t worry, it won’t jump up and bite you. Besides, it dislikes you much more than you dislike it.

Sannaro adverted his eyes to his own food.


No, that’s not how it goes Ambri, you don’t know anything about fighting!

Andoku tried to hit Ambrika on the head.


She grabbed his arm and twisted it.


Well, neither do you!

Andoku howled and tried frantically flailing his arms.


Altarian looked up at them and then lowered this head and shook it.


This is hopeless, we can’t go anywhere without one of them bickering about something stupid.



The two of you stop before you get a sound disruption. If you do, you won’t get any allowance until the fine is paid back to me.

They stopped and looked straight into their father’s irritated eyes.


They shrank back and started eating their food quietly.


Where’s my discipline or have I been left out?



You’ll get yours later.

She shivered with delight and hurried to finish her dinner.


Altarian choked on his dinner, swallowed it quickly, and laughed silently, but enough for Sannaro to hear it.


What, I didn’t do anything. I’m the innocent one, remember?



Yeah, right.

Andoku leaned over to Ambrika.


Uh-oh, Altarian’s going to get it.

They both started laughing out loud.


No, your mother’s going to get it.



Bring it on!




He flipped his hair into his face to cover his blush.


Andoku lifted his father’s hair out of his face.


Look, dad’s blushing, see how orange he is!



Oh, brother!

Andoku placed his arm over Altarian’s neck and pulled him into a bear hug.


Yep, that's right!

Altarian placed his hand on Andoku’s head and ruffled his hair. Then he used his hand to tickle him. Andoku squirmed and let go.



Altarian released Andoku and sat back up in his chair.


Everyone looked surprised at Altarian.





That’s giving it to him! I thought you would’ve gotten mad, but a tickle fight was pretty funny. Uh-oh, protocol enforcers at seven o’clock.



Having fun, Sannaro?



I guess too much. The kids are real hyper tonight, but we’re almost done. Are all of you finished?



Yep, all done!

He wiped his sleeve across his face.

Altarian wiped his sleeve across his face.



Oh, definitely.



It looks like we’re all done.

Cherna, Altarian, Andoku and Ambrika walked to the conveyer belt to drop off their trays.


Naila’ahina, Pirlo.

Sannaro bowed slightly and walked out of the cafeteria.


Pirlo shook his head and chuckled as he watched Sannaro leave.


Sorry for the scene back there, Yaro. Are you angry at us?

Cherna swept her arm over Sannaro’s neck and pulled him to her.


Of course not, he’s mine to punish for tonight. Now, get ready for bed.

Altarian chuckled again, but ran softly to his and Andoku’s room before he could get in trouble.


Andoku followed and Ambrika went to her room.


I thought I was suppose to punish you?



Well, the tables have turned, follow and learn.

The door closed behind Sannaro and Cherna.




Altarian whimpered in fear in his sleep and curled up into a tight ball.


Where is he Garvous?



He should be boarding the platform to the work area, sir.

Altarian hid behind the console, hoping to elude the captain’s wrath.


Altarian snuck around to the launch pad.


The red alert sounded.


Pirates ran everywhere.


Altarian was lifted up by the scruff of his neck.


Altarian tried to kick the pirate into releasing him.


Well, well, well, Altarian, so nice to see that you’ve come. Trowul, bring him closer.

Altarian spat in BaltAZAUR’S eyes and kicked Trowul in the shin.


Trowul dropped him and grabbed his shin.


Baltazaur grabbed Altarian.


Foolish boy! Garvous, take him and put him into the Silence Chamber and then knife him a couple of times, then, he can go back to work. Double his load.



Yes, sir.

Garvous dragged him kicking and screaming to the Silence Chamber and threw him into a large steel room.


This will teach you not to misbehave!

Garvous closed the door and locked it.


The machine started to hum and clank.


Ha, ha, ha! You thought you could escape me!



What are you going to do now, Jaggar?

Images formed on the metal walls.


Altarian saw the signs of death all about him. Fire coursed through the lifeless earth and the homes of the once living smoldered.


No! How could you do this to me!



I don’t know, I just thought that it would be fun!

He ran to where the remnants of his house would be.


Altarian saw his family with faces twisted in agony, horror and gaping at him. He rushed up to his mother, grabbed her and held her cold body tight.


Oh mother, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to leave. Come back to me, please.

A hand grabbed him tightly.


Daniakaya looked at him with dead flame red eyes. Her skin that was falling off but she was moving.


He pulled his arm away.


Her arm broke off, still hooked on him.


He felt the hands of his family pulling him down.


He broke away, retreated from the house and ran across the field.


They grabbed at him, pleaded at him and moaned.


The smell of decay came back and every dead person was coming to seek their revenge on him.


Come back, we want to play!



No, no, no!




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