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Altarian sat inside the cockpit of the Vizha'i he stole with a total feeling of numbness as he watched the pirates surround him.


Pop your canopy and come out with your hands up, Astrisi.

He reluctantly popped the canopy and climbed out onto the wing with his arms raised.


What's this? He's in a solid black flight-suit!



Never seen that before.



Take the helmet off.

Altarian slowly lifted his arms and decompressed the seal. He pulled the helmet off and raised his arms again.


It's the little slag, Altarian!

He pulled out his communicator.


Baltazaur, we've got Altarian! He was in that fighter we snagged.



Take him to my torture chamber.

Altarian leapt down from the wing between Gorbin and Zokto.


They grabbed each of his arms, pulled him across the flight deck through the halls of the ship toward the fore and pushed him through some parting doors.


Altarian stumbled across the deck a few paces before he caught himself.He was taken to a room full of stretching racks, a gallows and an ancient guillotine.


He yelped involuntarily when he was grabbed by the throat.


Here, let me help you undress and get uncomfortable.

Baltazaur pulled his knife and ripped his flight-suit from neck to thigh.


He felt a thick warm gel ooze from the slashed fabric.


Baltazaur kneed him in the small of his back.


His legs fell out from under him and he crashed to the floor.


Baltazaur removed the last of the flight suit while he kneeled on Altarian's back.


You know I hate it when I don't get my way.

Baltazaur stood and drove the edge of the heel of his boot into Altarian's shoulder blade.


Altarian bit his lip until it bled.


Baltazaur took a flexible stiff rubber shaft from the wall and flicked it across Altarian's back.


Altarian gasped at the incredible pain.


Yes, you should get a spanking for running away from me.

He cracked it across Altarian's buttocks.


Altarian shuddered.


Baltazaur cracked it across Altarian's buttocks five times more in rapid succession.

Altarian bit his lip again to keep himself from screaming.


If it's any consolation, slag, I don't want to kill you, you're much too valuable as a slave. I just want you to remember what happens when you try to get away from me. You know, it's clever of the Astrisi to hand you back over to me without looking like they're giving in. Did they get tired of my attacks?



No, I joined the fight without anyone knowing. I wanted to kill you!



Aw, I'm touched by your affection for me. It doesn't matter. I'm your master and I always will be.

He cracked the shaft across Altarian's back. Then, he kicked Altarian onto his back.


Altarian shuddered when his aching back and buttocks touched the floor.


Baltazaur picked up energy shackles and fixed them onto his arms and legs, then pried his mouth wide open and checked around his tongue.


Making sure you don't have a lock pick anymore.

Altarian's eyes widened in shock.


Yes, that spineless Jedron told on you after you escaped with The Destroyer. Then I knifed him. I think some reflection time on the punishment pole in the slave hold will complete my punishment nicely.

He pulled out his communicator.


Gorbin, come take the slag to the punishment pole in the slave hold. Leave him naked until he's brought down again.




The door swept open again. Gorbin and Zokto walked in and jerked Altarian off the floor.


Baltazaur turned the energy shackles on.


Altarian felt the shackles crackle to life. He was pulled through the halls to the slave hold and was hung on the t-pole. He was secured to the metal bars and then the shackles were turned off. He sagged down painfully on the pole and immediately felt his own weight press painfully against his lungs. He took a shuddering breath and tried to relax to reduce the stress on his limbs.




Sannaro laid his head back on his headrest to control his breathing.


Okay, lets recover this battle and drive the pirates back.



Aren't you going to help him?



Fly right into a pirate ship and get myself caught, too? Now isn't the time.



But, Sannaro, he's your ward!



I know who he is. Get your mind on this battle and cut the chatter!

Everybody reluctantly quieted and got back into their normal battle rhythms again. He worked to detach himself from his own raging emotions before he rejoined the fighting.

The pirates finally turned back.


They're pulling back. Let's retreat.


San, you okay?



No, I'm not okay. I'm shaken to the core and I know my ears are going to be raw before the reactions to this debacle settles down.



I wish I could take some of the pressure off you, but I know I can't. Hang in there, you'll get through this.

He lined his Vizha'i to landing strip one and cruised in. He pushed the breaks and slowed to a hover, then set it down without a bump on the lift.


A minute later, he heard the clang, and the lift lowered into the Upper Flight Deck.


He felt the jerk as the magnetic pulleys locked on to his landing gear and he was pulled into the Refuel and Rearms tunnel.


The ladder was rolled up to the side of his ship. He reluctantly pushed the button to unlock and raise the canopy.


Sannaro, meet me in your office.

He stepped down to the floor.


Suddenly he was surrounded by his Red team.


Let San through, everyone. He needs to get to the meeting with Hadah.

The milling crowd parted reluctantly.


He and his team walked in a cluster across the maintenance deck until they arrived at the pilot's lounge.


Red team fanned out to sit down on the couches while Sannaro proceeded up the stairs.


He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before he walked into his office.


Hadah was already inside, fuming.


The door closed.


Of all the stupid stunts! Can you tell me how in the Great Firebird did Altarian get on the flight line and steal a Vizha'i?






No? No? That's all you have to say?!



I only realized it after he vaped a pirate and cried out excitedly and Seto started suspecting that the pilot in Blue Six wasn't Teric.



This is a serious breech in discipline, Sannaro!



I know.



I could have your sash for this!

Sannaro reached to untie his Senior Vizha'e sash from around his waist.


Not now. I need to cool off and do an investigation on this. But, I'm telling you, you may still have that sash pulled.



I understand. Now may I be dismissed to go into isolation at the hospital?



Yes, get to isolation.

Sannaro whirled on his heals and left the office, resisting the urge to run. He forced himself to walk impassively down the stairs.


Arcas leapt from a couch and rushed up to him.


Team, guard positions.

The rest of the team leapt up and surrounded him again. He walked through the flight line to the elevator.


I'll be okay getting to the hospital, Arc.



Your voice sounds so strained. You sure?



I'm sure.

He stepped inside the elevator and called for the hospital.


The door closed and the elevator moved.


He was so relieved to finally be alone, he felt his shields waver. He quickly firmed them to rigidity again.


After a minute, the door opened again and he walked down the central hall of the hospital.


The staff froze in place and watched him walk past.


Zhad had the door to the isolation room open.


Sannaro felt his will waver and he leapt for the open door.


Once he was clear, Zhad stepped in and held his hand out.


Sannaro unclipped his pistol belt and laid it over Zhad's hand. Then he pulled off his air tank and Zhad took it with his other hand. With a look of sympathy, Zhad backed out of the room.


The door closed and locked.


Sannaro took a deep breath and screamed. With tears streaming down his face, he punched the wall repeatedly until his knuckles were slick and glistening with bright yellow blood. He collapsed onto the floor and cried. Finally, his deep sobs settled into a lethargy and he slipped into sleep in a ball on the floor.




Cherna jerked awake when the battle klaxons blared and Sannaro ran out of the room to address the threat. She bounded out of bed and crashed down to the floor. She shook her head to ease the jarring pain.


Zhad rushed into the room and squatted beside her.


Sorry, knee-jerk reaction. I just forgot I don't have knees anymore.

She pushed off the floor and rolled onto her bottom.


Zhad gathered her up in his arms and returned her to bed.


I understand.



San's battering the bulkheads again.

The pounding stopped and everything became painfully silent.





Why did Altarian steal a vizha'i? He was far from ready to do a real battle! Now he's captured again and San is raging!



Those pirates hurt him many times. I'm no warrior but maybe he was trying to avenge your injuries? He has barely spoken to anyone since your crash.



That sounds like something Altarian would think to do.



I need to check on San now that his rage is spent.

Zhad left the room.


This is Hadah. I'm sure Sannaro's apologetic for his immense sound disruption, but we've suffered a terrible tragedy today. The slave boy Altarian took an unauthorized flight and has been recaptured by the pirates. An investigation is being made to learn how the boy managed to steal a ship. That is all.

Cherna rolled to stand on the stumps of her thighs. She swung her stumps ahead of her and traversed the length of the bed and swung herself down to the floor. She continued until she came to the chair in front of the computer. She put her hands on the seat of the chair and vaulted herself up onto the seat. She opened a channel to cent-com.





Di'ok, please tell Hadah I want to speak with him.



Cherna, what are you doing?



Put him on, Di'ok.



Okay, okay, wait a minute.

The screen went dark for a minute, then lit up with Hadah's image.


Cherna, what are you doing?



Hadah, don't pull San's sash, it'll devastate him.



What? I haven't told anybody- Oh your marriage link told you. Look, I don't want to discuss this on a public line. I'll be down at the hospital in a few minutes and we'll talk. Houk?






Now you return to bed right now. I don't know how you're at a computer station.



Just get here, please.



I'm on my way.

Zhad rushed back into her room.


The nurses station picked up a communication from your room. Cherna, what are you doing out of bed and how did you get to that chair?

She leapt down from the chair to land on her fists and swung back over to the bed.


Fausa, we'll never keep you down!



Strong arms from years of weight training and combat.



Okay, I'm putting stump cups on you. You're not going to stand bare-legged on fresh stitches. First Sannaro, now you! You both are incorrigible!

Hadah walked through the door and stopped with his jaw dropped.


Cherna looked up from the floor and grinned. She put her hands on the mattress of her bed and leapt up onto it. She swung back up to the pillow and sat down.


You're moving like an Earth monkey!



It works. Please have a seat, Hadah.



What's this about?



I'm really sorry you lost your legs,




What have you found in your investigation of Altarian's theft of the Vizha'i?



You know everything San knows, then?



We share minds, Hadah. He really didn't know what happened until Altarian gave himself away in battle. But, then again, he's been a bit distracted lately.

She pointed to the stumps of her thighs.


I talked to Lazha. He was in her class when the the alarm sounded. She evacuated the classes to the safer levels of the primary school. When they first moved out, she saw Altarian at the back of the line, so she thought everything was going well. When she got to the school, Altarian was gone. A short while ago, Arcas called me and said Teric woke up in the bunk room, on the floor under a bunk. He was late to scramble because he'd been replacing the pads in his helmet. He was finishing up when the student pilots came through the pilot's lounge. As soon as they were passed, he saw a solid black flight-suit from the corner of his eye, then he just lost consciousness. I talked to his ground crew and they said they saw Teric get into his Vizha'i and they launched him, so they were as confused as San was when they were told Altarian had piloted that ship.



How did Altarian know San's ability to send false images into other people's minds?



The escape! San told me he used the trick to get him and Altarian to that shuttle so they could get off the pirate ship!



That's it. Altarian's clever. San said that when Altarian was tested in the sim, he had remarkable knowledge of the controls. He'd bragged about how he'd had a flight student as a friend on the Intoku and they'd sneak to the simulators to do battle sims. He could have noticed where San sent his telepathy into the receiver's mind and he did it to take the form of Teric on the flight line.



Fausa, I'm so glad San was more restrained as a child!



And it seems Altarian doesn't have the same self restraint Sannaro's always had.



San wasn't raised by criminals. Altarian was. Hadah, don't pull San's sash. It will destroy him.



In light of what I've learned, no one could have foreseen Altarian's actions. He's devious, rash and refuses to accept authority when it doesn't suit him. And you're right, San's been understandably distracted because he's been deeply effected by your injury. It would be heartless of me to take his sash.



I'm glad you think that way. I hope you understand, San's my soul-mate. I didn't want you to destroy him for this.



He's the best Senior Vizha'e in the history of the Kumani. And, by the new knowledge of the pirates, the most hated Astrisi fighter in Allied space. I'm beginning to realize it would be to everyone's detriment if I pulled his sash. This has been the most intense fighting we've been through since the Zuran war and San's successfully kept those pilots going, nearly around the clock, to counter this threat.

Sannaro wearily entered the room.


Having a pow wow without me?

Hadah stood up.


Sannaro! Come in, man.



What have you found in your investigation?



Altarian used false imaging to slip away from Lazha and the student pilots.



He stole my stealth technique.



He learned it from observing you when you were sneaking them off the pirate ship.



No one on that flight deck could have seen his deception except for you and you were already deployed into space. You were at your battle station so you can't be faulted.

Sannaro sighed in relief.


The only faulty judgment was by Altarian. I'm not pulling your sash.



San, you have to mount a rescue.

Sannaro's eyes became onyx hard.


It was his lapse in judgment. Maybe this is what he deserves. I can't trust him ever again.

Cherna rocked onto the stumps of her thighs.


Sannaro Damirateyak, how could you say such a heartless thing!



She's right! Altarian became a like a son to you and you're just going to turn your back on him and leave him at the pirate's mercy?



He compromised the security of my force!



Man, do you hear yourself? You're sounding like Filp!



You're asking me to deliberately invade that pirate ship and risk being beaten to an inch of my life again?



You're afraid!

Sannaro's dark eyes became rippling pools of dark blue.


They hung me on a t-pole naked, my weight pressing agonizingly against my lungs. I could barely take a breath.



Can you bear to think about Altarian hanging there abandoned by you?

Sannaro gritted his teeth and shuddered.





Then chose a special invasion force and get your flight deck ready for attack, Senior Vizha'e!

Sannaro nodded and walked from the room.






Zhad looked at Cherna and Hadah worriedly.


I'm going to get Vara to talk to him before he goes. It's not like San to let a capture effect him so much.



But every inch of his skin was cut, he was beaten and hung from that t-pole for who knows how long, Zhad. He's always been afraid of being captured by pirates since he met and freed the Adharan Abroc Hyan from Arlington's pirates when we were teens. His worst private nightmare came true when he was captured.



All the more reason for Vara to talk with him, Cherna.



Well, we're done here and I have my part of this invasion to work out with my staff.



Fa'arata, Hadah. I'm fine now that I know you're not going to pull San's sash.



It was a very enlightening meeting for me, too, Cherna.

EXIT Hadah.


Now, you need to rest. You've done way too much for just being out of major surgery for forty-nine hours.



Houk, Zhad.

She laid back in her bed.




Sannaro walked down the hall of the hospital, thinking about who he was going to take on the raid.


Ahead of him, the elevator doors opened and Varanani stepped out.


Varanani grabbed Sannaro's arm and was redirected to the isolation room.


He didn't dare pull out of her grasp with her mind so grave and intent on talking to him. She was stronger than a humanoid woman and she was a telepath, too. She'd know what he intended to do before he did it.


Wise choice, brother.

Two engineers were in the isolation room preparing to replace the bulkhead.


Please work on the wall later, I must talk with Sannaro.

The engineers nodded and left.


The door swept closed.


What's this about, Vara? I have a mission to plan.



I just had a message from Zhad. He's worried about your state of anxiety about this mission.

Sannaro glanced nervously around the room. He centered his sight on the deep craters on the wall.


You were very enraged.

Sannaro looked down at the floor.


Take as much time as you need and as much mental link that's comfortable.



His thoughts went back in space again and he was floating helplessly as the terrifying pirate mother-ship loomed closer. He remembered the images he'd received from the Abroc Hyan who'd suffered a year with the pirates, starved and tortured. He had to take his helmet off! They couldn't get him alive! He closed his eyes and shuddered.




I can understand why you were terrified and thought suicide was a better option. Pirates live to terrify and intimidate.



But I couldn't. The tractor beam wasn't strong enough to crush me, but it kept me from moving.



You hate being helpless.



Yes, I felt so helpless when Aldinon and Arlington chased me under the Werners porch. I swore after I came to the Astrisi, I wouldn't be helpless again.



And that's why you became a warrior.



Yes, but I was helpless again and facing capture by pirates.

He held his breath to stop the swelling of pain, but it was too much. He sobbed and put his head in his hands.




He felt the pain again as the pirates shredded his flight suit and skin, then kicked his naked body until he was almost faint. He was dragged again through the shaking corridors as his body screamed in agony, but that pain was nothing compared to when he was hung on that t-pole with his weight crushing down on his lungs, his body naked and on display for all the curious slaves to gawk at.




Varanani closed her eyes and took a deep breath.


Now do you see why I'm scared as hell to go back to that pirate ship? Sure, I've been beaten within an inch of my life before, but never so-



Helplessly humiliated.

Sannaro paced the room.


I couldn't fight back! They had energy shackles on my wrists and ankles with the power level to muscle paralysis. I saw no hope of escape until I saw Altarian. I begged him for help, Vara! I couldn't get off that t-pole alone. I didn't dare wait for the pirates to come back because I was weakening by the minute the longer I was crucified! I would've been totally disabled by the time of their return! I was suffocating! In the past, I always had a plan of escape minutes after my capture. This time, I could hardly think!



But you did think. When you saw Altarian, you formulated a plan.



I used him!



And he used you. It was mutual need. That's a common behavior in dire situations and you rewarded him handsomely by opening your home to him.



I felt guilty for using him like I did.



But he used you by forcing you to take him with you so he could escape from the pirates. That's reciprocation, San, you bartered one service for another. That's very sentient behavior. You didn't take advantage of him.



I know I need to rescue him from his cruel fate, but what do I do when I'm so afraid to go back for fear they'll take me again and put me through that humiliation again?



I'm sorry, San, but you risk that just by being a warrior. It's your job.



And I've done it willingly in the past, but now I'm hesitating.



Because you've been humiliated and you hate that feeling. But now there's a young boy who admires you in a very deadly situation and you're the only guardian he has.



Yes, I'm the only guardian he has and Cherna says I must free him. I will free him, but I'll be controlling fear the whole way.



So you're telling me you haven't felt fear before on dangerous missions or past captures?



If I said I didn't, I'd be a blind fool. Of course I get scared.



Then is this any different?



I guess not.



Can you do this invasion with confidence?



I've got some good men and women under my command. I was already thinking about who was going to be on my invasion team when you intercepted me.



Do you feel calmer and more confident now?



Yes, thanks. I'm ready to do this.






Now can I leave, Doctor?



You may leave now, Team-leader.

Sannaro flashed a smile, then swept out the door.


He returned to the elevator and called it to return to the Upper Flight Deck.


The elevator door opened again and he stepped out into the flight-line, toward the pilot's lounge.


Arcas, meet me in my office.



Ah, a mental summons, just like the old days.



I've missed you at my side too since you got voted to lead the Green team.

He entered the pilot's lounge and walked up the stairs.


Arcas met him at his door and they entered.


What? Am I going to spring the kid?



Sorry, Arc, again I need you to lead the troops while I take an infiltration team in.



Ah, you made me do that when you infiltrated the Zurans, too!



I know, but your good, my friend. I need capable leadership when I can't be in a skirmish. That's why I'm giving you Assistant Senior Vizha'e.

Arcas' jaw dropped.


Normally, I’d put it to vote in a Team-leader meeting, but I'm kind of hurried here. There's a kid that needs saving right away.



Have you thought about who's going with you?



Houk, I'm taking Tisa. She's my assistant Team-leader and I need her for rapid telepathic communication.



Who's taking over Red Team in both of your absence?



Saru will.






I'm taking No'al, Batu, Eron, Di'eta and Saka.



Batu will have to choose someone to lead White, then.



I'll discuss it with him when I call them in for briefing.



We other Team-leaders have been sympathetic to you and Cheri, boss, but we all agree that we need to have the meeting soon to choose who's going to lead White.



Fa'arata, I appreciate your patience, but you're right, a decision needs to be made. I'll call a Team-leader meeting after I return from rescuing Altarian.



Fair enough.



Now, please prepare the remaining pilots for an assault on the pirate ship while I call the infiltration team for briefing.



Ready and willing, boss.

Arcas gave a smart salute, turned on his heels and rushed out the door.


Sannaro sat down at his desk and called Shuttle Operations office across the flight deck.


A man with auburn hair and a slender face appeared on the screen.


Ki'iwa, Kosi. I need a shuttle pilot for a dangerous pirate infiltration mission.



What kind of module will you need?



From what I sense, we’ll need a medical pod.



Okay, you know a medi-pod has to be manned by hospital personnel?



That’s why I want it.



Okay, I’ll set it up.



Can you have your pilot come to my team briefing in five minutes?



Houk, someone will be there.



Fa’arata, Kosi.

He opened the flight deck intercom.


This is Sannaro. I want the following pilots to report to the pilot's lounge in five minutes- Tisa, No'al, Batu, Saka, Di'eta and Eron. All remaining personnel, prepare for battle. We're taking Altarian back and destroying that pirate ship forever.

He heard a loud cheer echo through the walls of the flight deck.


He grinned.


When his door swept open, he looked up and saw his old friend and bomber Di'eta walk in.


Hi there, kid. Just had to duck in before the briefing. I'm glad you're giving this old warrior another chance at glory. You sure have made something of yourself since the days I took you under my wing as a new-color and showed you how to ignore your noisy head!

Sannaro laughed, stood up and gripped Di'eta's forearm.


You're still the one who taught me how to be a sharpshooter, Dia.



Still modest, too.



I need your sharpshooting hand on this infiltration.



Hey, I'm sorry about Cherna. Terrible loss.



Houk, but she's already learning new ways to get around.



Good girl, don't ever let anything keep you down.



Well, I sense the others have arrived in the lounge. Let's go join them.

Di'eta winked an eye, clicked her tongue and pointed to her head.


Still listening to that noggin of yours.



Only when I'm not in battle.

They left Sannaro's office and went down the stairs.


Batu and No'al meet them at the base of the stairs.


How's Cherna, San?



Zhad's ready to put her in the healing tent to keep her in some kind of bed.



That's Cherna, she never can be held down for long.



Unless these two are in bed.

Sannaro blushed.


Who says she's always down?






Feisty lady, that Cherna!

Sannaro flashed an image of the two men sitting down.


Gotcha, boss.



Oh, that's Saili for sit down?



That's right.



Okay, all of you know about Altarian’s stunt and that he’s back in the hands of the pirates?

Everyone nodded.


I can tell you from personal experience, this pirate commander loves to torture. I have very vague residual feelings from Altarian and he’s in a great deal of pain.



Is it effecting you a lot?



Not as much as I would feel it from Cherna, my sister, my children or close friends because Altarian and I haven’t known each other for long and there was some inherent distrust between us. It’s just like a dull headache. Still, I feel I owe him a rescue.



No one should live a tortured pirate slave.



Yet, I heard about the problems he was causing in your family, San.



He tried to fit in, but his past is more horrific than mine was. He had a terrible nightmare he didn’t wake well from and he forgot where he was when he attacked Andoku. Like Tisa just said, no one should live a tortured pirate slave. So I want those of you here to be my infiltration team while the main body of the defense force attacks the pirate ship. I’ll fly a bomber with Di'eta doing what she does best. Tisa will be my wing-man. The rest of you will be taken over by Kosi in a med shuttle. Once we get to the pirate ship, Di'eta will punch a hole into their flight deck and we’ll land there.



Uh-oh, I got a feeling here’s the kicker.



You know me too well, Dia. Yes, here’s the kicker. All of you will keep the pirates on board busy while I search the ship for where they’re keeping Altarian.



You’re not going alone, boss.



Yes, I am going alone. I have unmatched stealth and I know the lay of the ship.

No'al shook his head and sighed, but Sannaro sensed no further argument from him.


Tisa, you’ll be in charge of the infiltration group.

Tisa nodded.


Once I inform Tisa I have Altarian, I’ll take Altarian to the shuttle and rejoin you for an assault on the bridge. If the pirate shuttles are defeated outside, Arcas can bring the rest of the force inside the pirate mother-ship to help us defeat them completely. I want that ship trashed and every slave freed.



Whoa, your mad as hell at them!



Why not? They captured him, tortured him and they destroyed his wife’s legs. I’d be furious at them if it were me.



Let’s get to work.

Sannaro watched as the team left and saw Kosi leaning against the lockers beside the doorway.


So, you’ve volunteered yourself?



Like you said, this is a very risky infiltration slipping through a big pirate battle. You need a steady pilot who won’t be frightened by the action outside. Did Filp ever tell you, I spend some time in a fighting wing?



No, he never did.

Kosi pulled his pant leg up and showed that the muscle of his shin was missing.


I was a really promising junior pilot at the time. My wing-mate exploded beside me in a pirate battle and a sheet of his fuselage sliced through the my cockpit wall and sliced the back of my shin off. Keba tried to reattach the muscle, but my body rejected it. He had to take it back out. Well, I lost a lot of fine motor control of my leg so Filp had to take me out of the Vizha'i. Since I was still a damn good pilot, Filp traded me to the shuttle corps. You need someone who’s been a fighter pilot to fly that shuttle.



Wow, you’ve convinced me.

Danu stepped into the pilot’s lounge behind Kosi.


You’ll need a doctor to take care of Altarian as soon as you bring him in.



I guess I have my full team then. Kosi, Tisa and I will be your protection. If you see a bogy sweeping in on you, call us for assist immediately.



You better believe I will.



Once we land on the mother-ship, the two of you may have to defend yourselves on your own, but I hope not, so I’ll have lasers issued to both of you.






I know, Danu, you’ve taken an oath to do no harm, but I want my sister’s husband coming back home after this job’s done. If a pirate’s coming at you, you shoot them. I don’t care if the pistol’s on stun or kill, you shoot, understand?






Good, now, I need both of you to prepare the shuttle for flight.

Kosi and Danu nodded, then walked out the door together.


He blew his breath out slowly, then climbed the stairs back to his office.






Sannaro stood beside the fatter double cock-pit bomber. The flight crew was putting the finishing touches on the new seat they’d installed for his thicker frame while the engineer’s decal team had repainted the tail in his red-on-red designation signature. The top red triangle signified he was the team-leader, and the lower triangle signified he was of Red Team. A dark red stripe intersected the triangles to show he was the Senior Fighter Pilot.


Across from him, Tisa stood beside her Vizha'i with the Yellow triangle intersected by a thin red line over the red triangle that designated her as his assistant team-leader.

Around them, the flight deck buzzed frantically.


He could barely see beyond the Refuel and Rearms structure in the center of the flight deck that the rest of his special team was standing near the shuttle with the word medical painted on its side.


Hadah moved through the flight line toward him.


Everything looks good, San. The Kumani will be supporting the fight at the rear with full batteries. Your plan sounds good.



Why didn’t you ever tell me Kosi was a wounded Vizha'e?



It never occurred to me to tell you. So he told you to convince you to take him as your shuttle pilot?



Very convincing.



Yes, he’s a very good choice. After the accident, I’d been really effected about his loss. He was a peer of mine who graduated from flight school close to the same time I did. So, who’s the bomber your taking with you?






Di'eta's without peer as a bomber.



We’ve also worked closely together in mind.



Yeah, I remember No'ama telling me about how Di'eta taught you to ignore your telepathy in battle. That seems to be an important requirement for you when you’re designing a special team.



I’m hard-wired for telepathy. I’m just as likely to think a command as to speak it, so I need people who will take either as if it were spoken. The key people in this team are ready to accept my telepathic commands.



A precision team for a telepath.




An engineer turned off the blowing fans directed at the bomber’s tail and came over to them.


San, paint’s dry. You can launch anytime.



Mount up.



Hadah, I’m beginning the scramble.



Okay, time for me to get back to the bridge. You can tell Di'ok to announce the battle alert message.



Di'ok, announce battle stations. Hadah’s on his way back to the bridge and I’m scrambling Vizha'i.



Houk, San, sounding alert. You take care of Danu as best you can.



I will. You tell your sister to stay in bed while I’m gone.



Oh, no, that’s Vara’s job. Zhad’s planted her firmly beside that crazy sister of mine.



Now I know she’s not leaving the hospital.



Good luck, San. Come back in one piece this time.



I hope to.

Suddenly, the klaxons blared and Di'ok’s voice rang through the flight deck for battle stations.


Di'eta climbed up the ladder and slipped into the rear of the cockpit before Sannaro climbed up and leapt into the front seat. He sat down, swept his hair behind his ears, then pulled his helmet on. He locked the seals while the ground team secured his harness.


Ready, Dia?



Ready. Haven’t heard your voice in my head for years, kid.



Lowering canopy. I’ll need to have that option periodically. I’ll try to remember to use vocal commands.



If old Lado were still around, he’d be slapping you upside the head for going back to mind-speaking.



Not anymore. This is my flight deck and my teams. My key leaders are used to my telepathic commands.

The canopy bumped shut and hissed as the pressure seal engaged. The ladders were pulled away.


He felt the whole ship shudder as the others were catapulted into space.


You okay up there, San?



Yeah, just getting a bit bored, but we have to make sure the rest of the force has the pirate’s full attention before we try to punch through. Arc told me he’d tell me telepathically when he sees a good opening.



A lot’s happened to you since you were my wing-man, San. Deaths, wars, almost a lost limb yourself.



And violent changes of guardianship, a marriage to a childhood friend, two childbirths, beatings, floggings, DNA restructuring, and a shit-load of other stuff. Yeah, I’m not that innocent boy anymore who thought his problems were galactic-proportioned and no one understood him.



It’s a good thing I’m a bit bilingual or I wouldn’t have understood some of what you said. I still don’t know what DNA re-sequencing is.



Just take my word for it, it’s an inexplicable torture like your cells are being ripped apart.



No thank you.



San, shuttle line’s thinning out. I think you can punch the shuttle through now.






Red One to Flight Tower, deploy special unit, over. Let’s go, team. Tisa, as soon as we’re catapulted, we’ll fly aft and meet the shuttle. I’ll take the forward port-side and you take starboard. If any pirates try to intercept us, we’ll take them out to get the shuttle through.






Kosi’s former Vizha'e, so give him some room to maneuver, too. He’ll be firing his own guns if he needs to.



That’s right. Primed and ready.



You were Vizha'e?



Once upon a time, but I was permanently injured early in my career, unfortunately. See you on the outside.

Sannaro felt the pulleys begin to pull him backwards to the lift.


In the next lane over, Tisa’s Vizha'i was also being pulled to the lift.


They came to a stop side-by-side and the lift klaxon sounded. They were raised up into the launch deck.


The cat crews did their checks, saluted, then ran to the safety area.


Sannaro concentrated on the red light.


It turned green and he was pushed into his seat. He punched the button to fire the engines and leapt out into space at a dizzying speed. He saw the nose of the Kumani below him and began his turn to fly to the Kumani’s aft where the shuttles launched and landed. He hovered along side Tisa and waited for the slower launching shuttle to fly out of the bay under its own power.


Once the shuttle joined them in space, Sannaro turned his Vizha'i around and they set out to the part of the skirmish line. He and Tisa flew just ahead of the shuttle into the battle.


Bogy diving on us, 8 o’clock high, San.






Just don’t splat me to the wall and no extreme dives either, I’m only Astrisi.



I’ll remember that.

Sannaro did a three-quarter speed dive starboard, then folded back to port.


Clean shot, I’m taking it.

The Vizha'i hopped once and a missile corkscrewed away from the undercarriage. It sped across the expanse and exploded just before the pirate shuttle.


It exploded in a spectacular fireball.


I never get to see it from afar like this. I’m usually too busy pulling up to not get caught in the concussion and looking for another bogy.

Sannaro banked starboard and rejoined the shuttle.


Tisa danced with her own target. She quickly dispatched the pirate and returned to their V configuration.


Nice maneuvering. Oh, head’s up. I got a bogy at 5 o’clock low.



I’m on it. Tisa, guard the fore.




Sannaro turned and headed toward the shuttle’s aft. He came in low.


Let me take this one by laser. We need to conserve missiles.



Already got my finger on the laser stud.



This is weird. I’m used to doing everything myself.



That’s not the case with a bomber pilot. We have to do something, you know. Can’t sit here waiting to shoot a missile.

The lasers fired and that shuttle exploded.


This is almost too easy.

Sannaro turned around to rejoin Tisa.


There’s a gap at 3 o’clock.



I see it. Let’s go.

They swept through the hole and poured on speed toward the pirate mother-ship.


We’re through!



Dia, prep an armor piercing missile.



Already prepped, San, just tell me when to punch it away.



Pirates retreating to attack the shuttle team. All teams, follow the pirates and keep them away.






Fausa, I’m getting shot at aft.



I'm coming.

Sannaro did a tight corkscrew turn.


You trying to tear me ten thousands different ways at one time?



Oh, right. Sorry about that.

He slowed down a little and shot past the shuttle’s aft.


The attacking shuttle veered off low to port and cut under Sannaro’s Vizha'i.


Sannaro flipped around nose over afterburner to pursue.


I forgot how good you were. You seem to follow your target move for move.



Physical empathy.



I thought you ignored your telepathy?



Telepathy’s listening to communicable thoughts. Empathy is sensing emotion or the motor control thoughts. It’s like extrasensory mimicry.



Oh-ho, that’s your secret!



San, mother-ship’s in range. Change positions and I’ll guard aft while you punch through that ship.



Houk, Tisa.

Sannaro turned again and passed Tisa on the way past the shuttle.


Here we go.

He pushed the throttle a little farther open and shot out beyond the cluster of pirate shuttles. The mother-ship loomed ever larger beyond his canopy.


Fire in the hole!

Sannaro compensated for the jerk of his ship as the bomb dropped away from his undercarriage and flew toward the target.


The skin of the ship buckled inward and split open.


We have a breech. Special team, let's land.

He slipped through the breech, hit the brakes and switched to hover. He watched the wrecked flight deck impassively.


A pirate shuttle raised off the deck.


He swung the Vizha'i around and fired.


The shuttle wobbled and hit the deck. Debris floated all around it and it didn't move again.


He saw Tisa's Vizha'i come to a hover beside him.


Landing shuttle.



Houk, flight deck pressure has leveled out. Full depressurization.



So how are we going to get off the depressurized flight deck if the bulkheads are sealed?



Let's scan the deck. There has to be an airlock just for allowing work crews to enter a depressurized flight deck.




Sannaro scanned the deck with his own sensors.


Ah, there it is and not too far away from the main doors. Seal your flight suits up and lets take that door. We'll approach it with caution. There's going to be a welcoming committee behind that airlock.



Locked and ready to go in the shuttle.



I've got a pressure cocoon ready to transport Altarian to the shuttle when you're bringing him back.



Okay, we're ready. Move out.

Sannaro popped the canopy, then released his harness. He floated out of the cockpit and put his hand on the canopy glass so he wouldn't bump into it. He pushed off the canopy and drifted across the wing of the Vizha'i and joined the cluster of people just outside the shuttle.


The man in yellow was Eron, white was Batu, red male was No'al, red female was Tisa, green female was Saka and Di'eta floating behind him was in yellow. Kosi was at the shuttle hatch in gray and Danu was in pure black, looking a bit awkward in full battle gear.


Sannaro stopped against the side of the shuttle and turn carefully so he wouldn't get too much force to spin him into dizziness. He slowed and faced the inner wall. He

pointed to a large hatch.


The airlock is there. Let's move out.

He pushed off the shuttle's fuselage and drifted straight to the hatch. When he made it to the wall, he gripped a handhold and pulled out his laser. He anchored himself, then pressed the button for the door to open. It swept open and everyone floated inside.


He slipped around the wall into the airlock and pressed the door close button.


He activated the cycle. Once he felt his normal weight again, he pulled out his pistol and held it toward the ceiling.


I'm opening the hatch. Get ready to fire.

Tisa and Saka squatted at the hatch frame with their pistols at ready.


Di'eta and No'al squatted in the center while Eron and Batu stood at the rear.


Sannaro pushed the button, then leapt beside Batu with his weapon poised.


The door opened and they opened fire just as the pirates in the hall shot.


Sannaro went into his concentrated state. He aimed carefully and shot each pirate with deadly accuracy.


The hall quieted and the team rushed down the hall to the next bend.


That's it for me. Tisa, take the team. I'm going stealth to find Altarian.



Good luck, San.

The team turned left to find more pirates to fight.


Sannaro took his helmet off and clipped it to his hip. He thought of an image of the empty hallway in his mind and began to project it around him. He moved down the right hall.


San, are you and the team in?



We're in and separated. I'm looking for Altarian now.



Houk, I'll ask for an update later.




He scanned the ship for Altarian's mental signature. He found it aft of the ship in the direction of the slave hold.


An explosion rocked the ship from an internal source.


He pressed himself against a corner and glanced around the wall.


A pirate was pacing nervously down the next hall. A boom sounded and he stopped to look toward the origin of the sound.


Sannaro aimed his pistol and shot the pirate.


Before the pirate could hit the floor, he ran to catch the shoulders and pulled him through a side hatch into a dark room.


Sannaro carefully returned to the hallway and continued on.


He slowed down as he approached the slave hold and pressed himself against the wall.


He scanned ahead and met with two presence. The slave hold was guarded.


He pulled out his laser and aimed. He shot.


One guard fell.


He shot again.


The other guard fell.


He stepped around the corner. His ears shivered in warning. He leapt back just as a laser bolt flew past ahead of him.


Sannaro pressed himself against the corner of the wall and fired back.


A few more shots and the hallway fell silent.


He cautiously moved into the hallway and moved up to the double doors of the slave hold and pressed the button for the door to open. It remained closed.


Sannaro returned to the bend in the hall. He adjusted his laser from concentrated thin ray to wide beam and aimed at the seam between doors and fired.


He felt his hair fly behind him from the strong backwash of the powerful beam slice through the air. The door exploded, leaving a gaping hole with thick metal curling inward.


Sannaro rushed into the room to the slaves huddled on the floor.


Go! Punish your captors for their torture!

Some of the slaves surged up and ran through the door, bellowing. Others huddled miserably on the floor, shaking with fear.


Sannaro looked around to find the signature shiny yellow skin, but he didn't see one. He turned toward the t-pole. Altarian hung from the dreaded torture device and two wicked-looking pirates stood grinning evilly on each side.


One pirate voiced a raspy bellow and crouched into an offensive hand-to-hand combat stance.


He slipped his gun into its holster and moved into a defensive martial arts stance.


The man charged his with his fist up.


Sannaro blocked with his right arm, then punched his left into the pirate's stomach.


The other man sprang to Sannaro's left.


Sannaro kicked out with his left leg.


The second man undulated to avoid the foot and whirled around to strike at the back of his head.


Sannaro ducked the fist and took two steps to the side.


The second man struck the first man in the face.


The first man faded back and glared at the second man for a second. They turned to Sannaro and scowled.


Sannaro returned to his defensive stance.


The two men encircled him.


He waited with sight, hearing and telepathy heightened.


The first man threw a punch to his head. A second later, the second man did the same.


Sannaro blocked both fists with his arms, leapt into the air and threw a split kick into both men's stomachs. He landed on the ground, then did a back flip out from between them again.


Both men held their stomachs for a few seconds before they resumed their stances.


You're an annoying little maggot.



I'm glad you find me annoying, but I'm not a tiny white worm. More like a small yellow and black mole with teeth.

The first man roared and charged with his fist low.


Sannaro swept a low block and raised his knee.


The man stumbled back, moaning and holding his crotch. He dropped to the floor.


The second man snarled and rushed in with a roundhouse kick to Sannaro's left side.


Sannaro low blocked with his left hand, grabbed the man's leg and corkscrew flipped him down onto his side. He bent in and chopped the man in his side.


The man kicked his free leg into Sannaro's crotch.


Sannaro faded back. He shook his head violently to shake off the pain.


The first man rushed him again.


Sannaro grabbed the outstretched arm and rolled the man over his hip and down to the floor. He punched the man deep in the solar plexus with his left fist.


The man shook, then was still.


Good shot back there. Now you're dead.



Aw, a kick to the nuts hurts like hell to a Saili, too?



Same sexual anatomy, punk.



Really?! Who'd want to do a little freak like you?



My wife!

Sannaro rushed the man. Punched left, right, then left leg snap kick.


The man blocked each one and laughed.


Sannaro withdrew.


Aw, I pissed you off?



Yes, you did. But I'm The Destroyer. I will destroy you.



You think you can intimidate me, little man?



I just did.

Sannaro charged. He feinted with his left fist in an upper cut.


The man blocked it with his right arm.


Sannaro stretched his left leg out, rotated his shoulder so his left elbow crashed down on the man's neck.


He tripped over Sannaro's leg and flipped to his back hard on the floor. He laid there gasping with his eyes tightly closed.


Sannaro dropped his body to the floor and drove his elbow into the man's diaphragm.


The man croaked, shook and dropped back to the floor unconscious.





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